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POV: 3rd Person
When Jin walked into the nightclub, the only thing he could think about was getting drunk.

Of course, he didn't want to get knocked out on his own, so he walked around, seeing who was alone, until he saw a young man, around the same age as Jin, sitting at the bar quietly, asking for another drink.

Jin sat beside the boy, hoping to befriend him, somehow.

"Hi," he screamed over the music. "I'm Jin," he said.

"You're Jim? What?" the boy asked, struggling to catch his name. "cause I'm Jim-in! Heh!" he laughed, picking up his drink.

"I said, I'm Jin! I'm Kim Seokjin, and you're... Jimin, right?"

"Yup," he smirked. "you alone too?" he asked Jin. He nodded.

"I got bailed," Jimin shrugged, with a slightly irritated look. "my friends stood me up again, goddamn it Hoseok,"

"Well, ah, I came here on my own," he awkwardly rubbed the nape of his neck, gritting his teeth.

"Meh, you can join me," Jimin pouted. "I don't wanna look like a loner, anyway," he chuckled.

"Sure," Jin smiled. "what're you drinking?" he asked curiously.

"It's nice, you should try it," he recommended, ordering one from the bartender.

"Here," he said, handing me the drink. It is good, Jin thought to himself, nodding his head in approval. It's really good. "you like it, don't you? I always order this when I come here- usually with my friends, though." he laughed nervously. "But, they always talk about studying for tests, and shit like that, but I'm like nah, clubbing is better, and they think I'm gonna flop my exams," he continued. "so I don't think they're gonna join me anymore, but hey, I found you,"

He pointed to Jin, who was blushing. "Are ya 'kay?" Jimin asked, looking at Jin's tomato cheeks. "wait a second, are you drunk already?"

"No, of course not," he scoffed, taking another sip. "you mentioned you had exams, so, you're still in school, or what?"

"Shh," Jimin put a finger to Jin's mouth, shutting him up. "don't say it too loudly. I'm twenty, nearly twenty one, what about you? How old are ya?"

"I'm twenty four... and I'm actually mar-" he smacked himself on the face. "and I finished school a while back, hehe," he laughed nervously.

He wasn't going to let Jimin know that he got married to Namjoon the moment he left school. "nice to meet you, Jimin,"

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