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POV: Jin
I looked at myself in the mirror when I went to the bathroom. All of my scars, cuts and bruises where everywhere on my body, but mostly on my face. It was damaged, hurt, scarred, all because of that fucking bastard, Namjoon.

I couldn't let anybody see me in such a fragile, broken state, especially Jimin and Hyerin, so I had to cover them up. Some of my cuts were fresh, from earlier today, but I had no choice.

I got out my old makeup from when I needed it for drama, and started applying concealer and foundation to my face, inhaling sharply whenever anything stung.

It wasn't my fault, though.

I managed to cover up everything, making my face look like it was when I first got married to Namjoon, and maybe even before.

I put on some eye make-up while I was at it, and it nearly made me cry seeing myself having to cover up my face because looking at those red scratches hurt me.

Reminding myself of them hurt.
They hurt like a bitch. Both physically and mentally. Reminding myself of the amount of blood that had dripped from my face, due to that wine bottle earlier hurt.

Namjoon couldn't care less, though.

I sneaked out of my house, like I did the first time I met Jimin, and ran over to the club- it wasn't too far away, so that was good.

"Jimin!" I yelled over the loud music. "Jimin!" he was here before me, and he greeted me with a hug and a kiss.

"I want to ask you something, Seokjin... it might seem a bit sudden since we've only met once, but I really mean it, I feel a genuine connection between us..."
his voice sounded really serious.

"What is it, Jimin?"

"I love you... will you maybe be my pretty, beautiful, handsome boyfriend?"

"B-boyfriend?" I choked out, my heart fluttering with joy. "You want to be my b-boyfriend?"

You're technically two-timing, Jin.

"Y-yeah... I love you, and I think that you're the one," he said sweetly, wrapping his arms around me. "I love you s-so much,"

"Y-you do?" I haven't heard 'I love you' from Namjoon in so long, that it was sort of a phrase that was long gone out of my life. "I...I love you more!" I smiled, hugging back tighter. "I will be your boyfriend!"

"Do you wanna drink?" he asked.

"Jimin, it's a school night for you, isn't it?" I frowned, even though he couldn't see it. It was way too dark, and the bright, oversaturated lights weren't helping.

I haven't even seen him properly.

But, I knew that he was the one.

Just like he said.

"Please? Just one drink?" he begged, tugging on my shirt. "then... we can have a little fun together,"

"Two drinks, please!" Jimin shouted to the bartender. "Anything ya got is fine with me!"

"Alright, little man!" the bartender shouted back, whipping us some drinks.

We drank and drank until we couldn't even think straight.

At Half Past 10 | JinMinWhere stories live. Discover now