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POV: Hyerin
Mommy and daddy are happily back together with me, and the big, scary daddy is nowhere in sight. Mommy has forgotten about him, but then again, he's better off being forgotten anyway.

A few weeks later, and the cops say that they've found him, and now he's been locked up, away from harm and danger.

Luckily, I won't see him ever again.

Mommy's scars are finally healing, thanks to me. I've taken care of him to make sure that nothing bad happens to him. I know that he's my mommy and he should be taking care of me, but he's done that plenty of times and I'm sure he'd accept me repaying the favour.

It's the least I could do for him.

Mommy Minah sometimes come around to visit us, and she always brings cute handmade cat-shaped cookies with pink and blue icing and star-shaped sprinkles on them, just the way I like it.

I think I like having Mommy Minah as well as mommy and daddy, because it makes me feel special to have three parents. Not many people have three parents, so I'd say I'm quite unique.

I don't think that I would ever not count all of three of them as being my real parents, no matter how the confusing science behind it works. All three of them are a huge part in my life, and I thank them for that, definitely.

I think owe them a lifelong debt of love, care and passion, but that's what they deserve, so I guess I owe them more than that.

I don't want to count the scary daddy as one of my parents, so that's okay, right? He doesn't really deserve the title of being my daddy, the same way my little daddy does.

I keep the crumpled up photo of mommy Minah and daddy with me, but one day, I decided that I wanted a more current, up to date photo of them, but this time, with my other mommy too.

Of course, I'm the one who took the photo, because I'm special.

The smiles on their faces were beautiful, their pearly white teeth gleaming in the sun as they all had their arms around each other.

I also got a separate photo with mommy and daddy alone, and another one with me and mommy Minah. Daddy was jealous and decided he wanted a small family photo of the four of us, so we ended up having to set a timer on our camera in order to take the photo.

I think we all looked so happy.

I kept all of those photos in the little front pocket on the left side of my pair of favourite pastel pink dungarees, next to my heart, so that whenever I remember them and look at those photos, I'm remembering them from my heart.

They stay in my heart forever.

The other night, I was up late because I couldn't sleep. I didn't really know why, but I could hear gentle talking from the living room so I snuck downstairs to check it out.

Turns out, mommy and daddy were cuddling together on the sofa, two glasses of red wine laid out on the coffee table in front of them. The TV was probably on as I could see some flashes of light coming from the side of the room.

They were laughing and giggling and they were just being the cute parents that they were, but I managed to hear a bit of their adorable conversation too.

"Jimin, you know, this reminds me of the time I first met you, drinking wine together in a dark place with only bright flashing lights to make me see. Do you remember?"

"Of course, Seokjin, you think I wouldn't? How could I forget the first time I managed to see your beautiful face for the first time? I don't think I would ever erase that from my memory."

"I don't regret ever sneaking out of my house that night to go to the club. You really were worth all of the pain and suffering, and I believe I will never let you go. I really am glad I met you that one night, Park Jimin, that one night at half past ten."

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