Friend Tag...?

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Okay so I was tagged by Kairi_Reader-chan (thank you for the nice comment about me, btw! <3) and so I guess I'll do this as well lol.

Idk how these work since I'm not usually one to be tagged but I'll try anyway XD

AtLeastIHaveJams my special notification spam unnie and your comments are just so funny, even if your way of killing namjoonie in my fic would be to throw him down the stairs XD thankyouu <3

Natanatsu your fics are amazing (your yoonseok I cri) and your occasional comments are sweet, so thank you! ^o^

Kimi-chan134 your comments are super cute even tho I know you're really annoyed that I keep leaving cliffhangers on my stories XD thank you <333

SHINeeGirlAtHeart idk if you consider me a friend but I see your name in my notifications quite a lot and your comments make me crack up XD thank youuu! <3

bucacaa your comments are really nice, thank youuu so much! I hope that we can message again soon because I like talking to u <3

BlueSunYellowWaters you're always in my notifications and I love seeing your comments, so thank youuu! <3

LuvisLuvman diD you thinK that I WaS gonnA forgEt yOu? XD I love you to death seriously and you're my fabulous sweetie so pls call me if u have time <333 ;)

Darkrose1122 we talked a few times, and you seem like a really nice person! Hopefully we can talk again soon <3

MeLikeBacon I see you spamming me with votes on my stories all the time and it seriously makes me laugh seeing your username and your profile pic but I really appreciate it, so thank you! <3

jiminiedoeshavejams thank you for the votes, and I really like your BTS boyxboy imagines especially so keep up the good work! ^o^ I still read your username as does-shave-jams tho so lol XD

minxthora- (edit) I feel so bad rn bc hOW COULD I FORGET MY sPECIAL SENPAIIII ilyyyybaeee (pls forgive me senpai) I hope you're translating stories well (especially my one lol *smirks*) <333

Also, thank you to everybody else who's always voted or commented or even just read my stories! I really appreciate it a lot and it Infires me to the max so I hope that I'm doing a good job of writing! XD

Sorry for my slow updates recently, but most of you probably know what's going on and I'm happy to say that it's slowly getting better and I should be okay soon, so thank you for the kind support! ^3^

I will update with chapter 60 very soon so please anticipate it!

~ Nina <3

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