Chapter 1 - The Beginning and the Betrayal.

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High atop Mount Silver, the tallest mountain in all the regions, stood a boy. The boy was 19 years of age, he had messy raven hair that had streaks of blue in it, and brown eyes also with the blue high-lighted within.

His name was Red Satoshi, previously known as Ash Ketchum.

On Ash's shoulder sat one of his most loyal pokemon, it was a small yellow mouse with long ears and lightning-bolt shaped tail. His name was Pikachu.

Standing to the side of Ash stood another faithful pokemon. This one was nearly the same size as Ash, it was a dog like pokemon that stood on its hind legs, while usually blue and black in colouring this one was pure white/silver and blood red, while its eyes were black. It had four ear like appendages coming out the back of its head, two long ears down each side. A spike was seen protruding out of each front paw, as well as a larger one on the chest. His name was Lucario. This pokemon was also a mentor of sorts to Ash, teaching him how to use his aura correctly, while Ash teaches it how to get stronger. Lucario calls Ash his Master.

The final pokemon that Ash got was a Meowth, however this was no ordinary Meowth, this one was the talking pokemon that belonged to Team Rocket. He was very similar to a cat, cream in colour with flecks of dark brown and a golden charm that was on his forehead.

Behind Ash stood the rest of his pokemon, there were many of them. There was the Pikachu, Greninja, Talonflame. Hawlucha, Noivern, Charizard, Venasaur, Heracross, Meganium, Typhlosion, Sceptile, Swellow, Crawdaunt, Staraptor, Infernape, Floatzel, Gliscor, Garchomp, Unfezant, Samurott, Emboar, Serperior, Scrafty, Krookodile, Blastoise, Lapras, Goodra, Ambipom, Gengar, Tyranitar, Pidgeot and Feraligator.

As well as this Ash had also caught some new pokemon since that day. There was the Lucario, Rapidash, Ninetales, Arcanine, Glaceon, Sylveon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Eevee, Mienshao, Aurorus, Houndoom, Donphan, Mightyena, Gardevoir, Gallade, Manectric, Plusle, Minon, Roserade, Altaria, Pyroar, Tyrantrum, Milotic, Absol, Salamence, Riolu, Rotom, Audino, the Meowth, Sawsbuck, Zoruark, Cinccino, Meowstic and Heliolisk.

As well as this Ash also got some pokemon that belonged to his friends, who decided to join his team after that day. Delphox that once belonged to Serena, who came to him as a Braixen, a Haxorus that once belonged to Iris, who came to him as a Axew, Blaziken that once belonged to May, it was already at its final evolution when it came to Ash, Chesnaught that once belonged to Clemont,who came to him as a Chespin, Semisage that once belonged to Cilan, who came to him as a Pansage, Emploeon that once belonged to Dawn, who joined him as a Piplup, Swampert that once belonged to Brock, who came to him as Mudkip, Golduck that once belonged to Misty, who came to him as a Psyduck, Azumarill that once belonged to Tracey, that came to him as a Marill, Pangoro that once belonged to Serena, who came to him as a Panchum, Dragonite who once belonged to Iris, who came to him as it was, Beautifly that once belonged to May, who also came as it was, Sodowoodo who once belonged to Brock, who also came as it was, Luxray who once belonged to Clemont, who came to him as a Luxio, Togekiss who once belonged to Dawn, and also came to him as it was, Lopunny also once belonging to Dawn, who came to him as a Buneary, Seaking that once belonged to Misty, who came to him as Goldeen and finally Raikulisk who once belonged to Cilan, who came to him as a Stunfisc.

'Master, what's wrong?' Lucario asked Ash.

"Its nothing Lucario, I'm just thinking about that day. It feels like it was only yesterday when it happened." Ash sighed.

Lucario, Pikachu and Meowth all nodded knowingly. All of the pokemon were mad for what happened that day, even the newer ones who were not present on the day.

'But Ash who have proven them wrong, you have grown stronger as have your pokemon, one day we will return and show them how strong you as well us have gotten.' Pikachu told his best friend. Meowth and Lucario, as well as the other pokemon behind him nodded their heads.

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