Chapter 4 - Meeting the Traitors and a Battle. (Part 2)

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"Who cares about that weak bug, Roserade come on out and show this loser who he is dealing with!" Drew yelled, it was clear that he was getting angrier towards Ash. A small grass type emerged from the pokeball, small bruises and cuts were visible on this pokemon as well if you looked close enough.

"Cresselia return, you did a good job as always. Ho-Oh, come forth and show your fire!" Ash yelled. A bright light filled the field that they were using and when the light cleared, there stood a large and proud legendary bird pokemon, that almost no one had ever seen.

"What Ho-Oh, how in the world did you catch him. Almost no one has seen him, let alone catch him. On top of that you have 2 legendaries. How?!" Brock yelled.

"Because I saved Ho-Oh's life a long time ago and we became friends, so it decided to come with me. And Brock is it, Ho-Oh is a girl. Oh and another thing for you to think about, is that I have a lot more than 2 legendaries." Ash smirked at the look that he was getting from all those that had betrayed him. They were in a private area that no one would come into, this was because Ash wanted to surprise the pokemon world with the legendaries that he had.

"Just how many legendaries and pokemon do you have?" May asked.

"Alltogether I have got 146 pokemon." Ash said, smiling. The group of traitors were in shock, no one had that many pokemon.

"And here do you keep all of these pokemon?" Dawn asked.

"In here." Ash said, holding up his wrist. There was a watch sitting there on his wrist, a watch that looked very much like a pokedex, but smaller and more compact.

"What the hell is that?" Drew asked.

"This called a Nanodex, it is basically the evolved form of the Pokedex, it has all of the data of every pokemon, from every region, even the ones that have only just been discovered. But the feature that is best is the fact that I can an unlimited amount of pokemon with this." Ash explained.

"I want one. Where do we go?" Misty said.

"I'm sorry but you are not able to have one, they are not going to be available to the public." Ash said.

"So how come Max, Bonnie, Gary, Trip and Paul all have one?" Brock asked, noticing that all of Ash's friends had a Nanodex, all in different colours. Ash's was blue, Bonnie's was pink, Gary's was purple, Paul's was violet, Trip's was green and Max's was red.

"Because the professor who gave it to me wanted my friends to have one as well. We are the only 6 people in the world that has got and will ever get a Nanodex." Ash said, the five people behind him nodding their heads.

"Bonnie, Max you would give us one won't you. After all we are your big brother and sister." Clemont said, while May nodded beside him.

"You have not been our brother or sister in a very long time Clemont and May." Max said, Bonnie nodding beside him.

Clemont and May looked put off at hearing their names being said from their siblings. Clemont and May then saw that Bonnie and Max were holding hands and standing closer than friends should stand.

"Why are you two standing so close?" Clemont asked.

"And why are holding hands?" May finished.

"Oh how thick can you get Clemont, May!" Yelled Gary.

"It means that they are together, they are dating and that they are in love with each other." Ash said, annoyed.

"What, no we won't allow it. They are still too young to even think of dating. Now stand away from each other right now." Clemont and May said.

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