Chapter 2 - Some New Friends and an Invitation.

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After that day Ash trained harder, learned he was a future Aura Guardian, mastered his Aura abilities, started to train for contests as well as his battles.

Suddenly his Pidgeot came flying down, with a letter in its beak.

"What's this Pidgeot?" Ash asked.

'I don't know, I was flying over the Indigo Plateau, and a man must have recognised me because he called me down and gave me this, asking me to give it to you.' The bird pokemon said.

Ash opened the letter, and a smile made it's way onto his face. "Well guys looks like we are going to have our revenge sooner than we thought." Ash smirked.

'Master what do you mean?' Lucario asked.

"We have been invited to the Master's Championship, at the Indigo Plateau." Ash and the rest of the pokemon smirked.

After the betrayal Trip, Paul and Gary learned of it through Professor Oak, and they were angry also, as they had come to respect Ash who had beat them more than once each. So they went looking for Ash, along the way they met up with Max and Bonnie, who had left their siblings as well as their friends when they saw what they did to Ash. They all went to look for Ash together, eventually finding him on the summit of Mount Silver. However they were shocked when they saw all the new pokemon that Ash had caught, as well as the ones that came to him from their friends, the way Ash looked as he now wore an Aura Guardian outfit and they were shocked that all of the pokemon that Ash had were the final evolved forms, except Pikachu and the Riolu that was standing beside Ash.

They explained that they were with Ash no matter what, Bonnie and Max also said that they left their siblings and their families and started travelling around with each other till they met up with Paul, Trip and Gary. Ash agreed to let them stay, and they all trained together, however Ash became the strongest of them all.

But then 7 years into their time on the mountain something strange happened to all of them.

(1 year ago.)

Ash, Max, Bonnie, Paul, Trip and Gary were sitting on the mountain as they had the day off of training, when they got a surprised visit. It was Mewtwo, a legendary pokemon that was created from the DNA of Mew, another Legendary.

'Chosen One, I have been sent to teleport you and your friends to the Hall of Origin, the place where all legendaries reside. There is also a few friends that are being invited, now they have left the organisation and are willing to help you.' Mewtwo explained.

"Okay Mewtwo, we will go with you." Ash said.

Mewtwo nodded and teleported them away. When they were able to see again, they noticed that they were in a room full of legendary pokemon, with Arceus standing at the head.

'Ash we have called you here because we saw what happened 7 years ago. And we have seen what you have been doing since then, we have decided to give you a gift.' Arceus said.

Ash was shocked. "Thank you Arceus, although I do not know what gift you can give to me." Ash says, blushing.

'That's easy, us.' Arceus said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Ash asked confused.

'I mean that we want to come along with you, I know that you want to do battles and contests, and most of the legendaries want to do that too, but they have never found the right person. And now we have.' Arceus explained.

"I would be honoured if you wanted to travel with me, so who is coming." And with that Arceus made some pokeballs.

When they were all caught. Ash had most, while the others each had one legendary.

- Bonnie got Deoxys.

-- Max got Victini.

- Paul got Dialga.

- Trip got Cobalion.

- Gary got Latios.

Meanwhile Ash got all the others. Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mew, Lugia, Latias, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, Cresselia, Keldeo, Virizion, Reshiram, Zekrom, Xerneas, Celebi, Manaphy, Meloetta, Darkrai, Genesect, Palkia, Giratina, Entei, and Diancie.

It was then that Ash noticed Team Rocket's Jessie, James and Meowth there. They explained that they were no longer with Team Rocket and that they went looking for Ash before, but all they found was his friends. They explained that his friends told them what happened 7 years ago, and that they had always liked Ash. Ash believed them, and let them join, Meowth even let Ash catch him because of his like of the trainer.

"Thank you Arceus, we will train with you hard." Arceus nodded before teleporting them out and to the mountain they lived at, before returning to his pokeball.

(End of Flashback.)

"So Ash are we in?" Gary, Trip and Paul asked at the same time.

Max and Bonnie were also trainers as well and agreed to go.

"Oh yeah are we in. Let's use different pokemon for each round, I'll be using one legendary in each round. Let's give those traitors and the pokemon world a surprise." Ash said. While his friends and pokemon nodded in agreement.

"Yes!" They all yelled.

They all called out their flying pokemon and climbed on their backs, heading towards the Plateau.

They arrived there early the next day, made their way over to the pokemon centre where they then registered for the tournament. Ash was going to be in the battles and the contests, Gary, Trip, Paul and Max were just going to be in the battles and Bonnie was going to be in just contests.

"This is going to be so much fun, I can't wait to show those back stabbing traitors just how strong Ash is, and how strong he made us as well, they are not going to know what hit them." Gary said, the others all nodding their heads.

"I have also asked Charles to see if he can rig the tournaments and the contests a bit. If there is a traitor in either I want to be the one to face them, but put in some others so they know that it is not rigged. I will not face them if they have been out by others." Ash said.

Ash and the gang then noticed a few familiar hairstyles and faces from their travels, they were the traitors, the ones he no longer cared anything for.

"Guys looks like we are going to see them sooner than we thought." Paul said, pointing to the oncoming group of people walking towards them.

"This is going to be a long competition." Ash muttered to himself.

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