Chapter 13 - A Strange Dream and the Final Contest Round.

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Ash and Mewtwo awoke early the next day mostly because of the dream that Ash had just had, and one that Mewtwo had witnessed also.

In the Dream

It was the finals of the battles in the tournament and Ash was facing of against Brock, the person whose betrayal hurt him the most. Ash had known Brock for a long time and considered the man as the brother he had never had, this was the reason this betrayal, along with his mothers, was the one that hurt him the most.

"How did you win? There is no way a loser like you could beat me." Brock told him, with a sneer on his face.

"I grew stronger with my family and my pokemon, turns out I did not need you or any of the others. I considered you the brother I never had, and you betrayed me?" Ash said, getting angry by the second.

"Yes of course I betrayed you. Do you know how it was to pretend to be your friend? To have to walk around with you for almost 4 years? Oh believe me it was so hard at times to keep in what I truly wanted to say to you." Brock said. 

While Ash had not forgiven and forgotten all that his friends had done to him, he had hoped that some of them, especially Brock, would have apologised to him. But it looked as if that was not going to happen.

"Why did you join me then?" Ash asked, Brock's words cut deep within Ash's heart. He may have found his true friends, family and pokemon, but that didn't stop the pain of what his ex best friend was telling him.

"Well that my friend is easy. One you were gullible, believed everything that were told, even if the information was false. Two you knew and befriended all of the legendary pokemon, made people want to know you and make you famous. Being your friend would have meant fame to me as well as the others. And third because everyone wanted to know there were a lot of beautiful girls, and I wanted to get a catch." Brock explained.

"Oh well, I found out the truth and I found those that really cared about me. I don't need you, my other ex friends who betrayed me or that sad excuse of a mother." Ash said, with a smile on his face, he knew that he would not go back to them if they begged him.

"Well folks this has been an interesting and informative battle, but still the winner needs to be announced. The winner of the battling part of this tournament is Ash Ketchum!" The announcer said.

Most of the crowd clapped at this, all except Ash's ex friends who all had scowls on their faces.

"Oh but this is not yet over. Everyone come on out and show his Mewtwo just how weak it is!" Brock yelled out, throwing all of the pokeball's that he had. From the balls came all of the pokemon that Brock had, even those who had just lost in a battle.

"Mr Slate, just what do you thing you are doing?" The referee said.

"I am doing what I should have a long time ago. Attack the Mewtwo my friends!" The deranged man yelled.

Ash was shocked that Brock, who was a gym leader would allow this to happen, he was supposed to care for all pokemon and here he was going to attack one for no reason. Ash knew that Mewtwo would be able to handle it, but when he looked at his pokemon he gasped. Mewtwo was tired and injured from battling three of Brock's pokemon, and the amount of pokemon that was coming towards him, Mewtwo would not survive the attack.

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