Chapter 14 - The Unwanted Meeting.

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There was an announcement throughout the whole area saying that the battles were not going to be taking place until the next day, this is turn made all the days mixed up. The competition managers had worked everything out, when the contests would have originally taken place the battles now were, and the same for the battles as well, meaning that Ash and his friends now had the day to themselves until the battles.

Ash wanted to take a walk, mostly to be alone with Mewtwo, but Mewtwo seemed to be apprehensive. 'Ash please keep my pokeball with you at all times. I get the feeling that something is going to happen today.' The pokemon said.

Ash knew that mate was protective, a pokemon only ever had one mate in life, and the pokemon that were able to find and be with their mates protected them with their life.

"Oh Mewtwo you are way to protective. You know that I am able to protect myself." Ash said, smiling at his mate. He liked the way that his mate looked after him and wanted to be with him whenever and wherever he was.

'Yes I know that love, but your my mate, my one and only, and I want to protect you.' Mewtwo said looking down, he thought that he was disappointing his mate with the way that he was acting.

Ash saw the look that his mate now had. "Oh Mewtwo don't look like that, I love you and that is not going to change. And anyway I always keep you close." Ash said, hugging the pokemon.

'God I love you Ash.' Mewtwo said, snuggling his head into the crook of Ash's neck.

"And I love you too Mewtwo." Ash said, wrapping his arms around the pokemon he loved.

Ash returned Mewtwo, grabbed all of his pokemon and then went of for a walk. Ash always carried all of his pokemon, he didn't know why but he always did so.

Ash found a lovely and serene spot with a large tree, casting a shaded cool area for someone to sit under. All of Ash's pokemon were battle ready at all times just in case.

Ash then figured out why Mewtwo was feeling off about him coming here, he was able to sense his ex friends walking towards him, and he knew that a battle was going to take place.

The ex friends walked into the clearing and spotted Ash leaning against the tree. "Oh look it's the weakling." Brock sneered looking at Ash.

"Oh look it's the idiots." Ash replied just as fiercely, this gaining him some hacky looks.

"How did you do it, how did you get so strong?" May asked him.

"Oh well that's easy I found out who were my true friends, I found all of my trusted pokemon and I trained for long time." Ash explained.

"I think we should be friends again." They all said together.

At this Ash burst out into laughter. "OMG you really think that that is going to happen, no way in hell will I ever become your friends again you betrayed everything for us when you said those things. I found my true friends and the one I love, you are not going to come back into my life just because you have seen how strong me and my friends are." Ash said, looking at his friends and mother in distaste.

"That is what you think of us now, we just want to rectify what we did to you. I know that you love me Ash, don't you think that we should be together?" Serena said, this in turn making Ash laugh even louder.

"Serena I never liked you, let alone loved you. I am gay and very much in love with someone right now. I am not going to forgive because Gary over heard you, you only want to be my friend again because I have gotten strong. Well let me tell you that I will never like you anymore, I am done being the person that saves you, I am done showing you all the cool things that I do and I am done being your friend as well." Ash said, his voice was going a little higher the more he talked.

"Fine yes that is why, but you know that you miss and want to be back with us." Misty said, Ash shook his head.

"Get this through your heads, I forgot about you lot the moment that I left, including my sad excuse for a mother. I gained new friends and a new family, as well as finding the one that I love. Nothing you or anyone says is going to make me become friends with you again." Ash said, smirking.

"Excuse me, I am your mother and you will treat me with respect." Delia said.

"You are not my mother, you lost that right when you betrayed me. I found my father and my ancestor and I am happy where I am. Leave me alone I don't want anything to do with you anymore." Ash said, moving further away to the other side of the tree, wanting to get away from his ex friends.

"Ash come on please, we said we are sorry, why don't you come back with us and dump those horrific new friends of yours. And come to your senses about this bloke you are dating you know that you and Serena are meant to be together." Delia said, trying to convince her son that she was right.

"Get of it. I am not going to go back to the lot of you, I am happy with the one that I love and no I would never be with Serena even if we were the last two people on the face of this earth." Ash said, the look on his face was one full of sincerity.

"Ash please." Serena said, moving closer to Ash. She wrapped her arms around him and placed her lips over Ash's thinking that once he felt the spark he would come back to her.

Ash made a disgusted sound and a second after the girls lips touched his he pushed her away from him, then whipped his mouth in disgust.

"Ugh, I told you that I am gay. Your lips are too tight and too chapped, I like my loves lips, they are soft and warm. I hate all of you, and I always will, there is nothing that is going to change that." Ash said, his voice laced with disgust.

'Ash she kissed you, she touched what belongs to me. When we get to be alone I am taking back what is mine!' Mewtwo said in his head.

"Oh don't worry Mewtwo you can do, I do not want her touch to be on me." Ash said back.

"Ash I challenge to a pokemon battle!" Brock yelled.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this, this means that you may lose some of your pokemon?" Ash said, he knew that he was going to win.

"Well yes because I know that I am going to win." Brock said.

"Then I accept." Ash said. "Let me go and prepare, I am planning on using a pokemon to defeat you so I need to ready her." Ash said, earning a nod from Brock.

Ash then left to prepare for the pokemon battle, that he was sure to win.    

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