Chapter 5 - A talk with Arceus and a New Mate.

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An hour later Ash had found the perfect remote area where they could release their pokemon, train them and play with them, without anyone else seeing or hearing what they were doing.

"Come on out everyone!" All of the trainers yelled, and within moments their were hundreds of pokemon all over the field. Ash was now glad he found such a big area.

"Okay everyone, this is Masquerain, Roserade and Absol. They used to belong to Drew, however we have learned that Drew abuses his pokemon so I took them in. Please be nice to them." All of the pokemon nodded their heads and went to see the new pokemon. The two Absol's hit it off immediately, the two Roserade's also hit off quickly as did the two Masquerain's.

"Chosen may I speak with you alone?" Arceus asked. Ash nodded and led the both of them away from the others.

"What's wrong Arceus?" Ash asked worriedly.

"Chosen I think that it is time that you tell Mewtwo how you feel about him. You know as well as I do that your friends are not going to think any differently of you. You know that Paul is in love with Electivire, that Gary is in love Arcanine and that Trip is in love with Serperior. You have nothing to fear." Arceus explained.

"I know that but it is the pokemon world that I am worried about. You know that I transform when I get mad, if something were to be revealed I may lose Mewtwo forever." Ash said, sadly.

"Ash nothing and no one is going to be able to break you and Mewtwo apart." Arceus said.

"I know, I guess I will tell him soon. Do you think I should reveal myself in the beginning of the tournament, so that the traitors know that I have become this strong when they watch my battles?" Ash asked.

"Yes, you will be introduced on the stage with your real name, as you are not allowed fake names in the battles or the contests. This will allow all those that betrayed you to see how strong you have gotten since you left them. As well as show of the pokemon that left them to join you." Arceus smiled evilly.

"Yeah, well my first battle is tomorrow, so I better go and select my first 3 pokemon. All of the battles until there is only 20 trainers left, are 3 on 3. When there are only 20 trainers left, then the battles become 6 on 6. As for the contests I need to see who I would use in them, as again when until they reach 20 it is a single pokemon preliminary with a double battle, and then when there are 20 coordinators left it is a double pokemon preliminary and a full 6 on 6 battle." Ash explained.

"Yes I think that May, Dawn, Kenny and Misty will be taking part in the battles and the contest that are held here. The battles start tomorrow while the contests start the day after, the battles and the contests then happen every other day after that for those that want to take part in the battles and the contests." Arceus said.

"Well that's good, that means that I will be able to both, battle one day, contest the next, then battle and then contest up until I win both of them." Ash said.

"We may go back to the others now Ash." Arceus said, and teleported them back to their site. When the light died down they saw all their friends and pokemon were playing together, training, talking with each other and some were even sleeping.

Ash thought that now would be the best time to tell Mewtwo how he felt for him, but first he approached Gary, Trip and Paul.

"Guys I'm gonna tell Mewtwo how I feel for him. Once I do this I will feel better, I will have a mate and I will grow stronger. I think that you 3 should also tell your chosen mates how you feel about them." Ash said, the 3 nodded and Ash walked over to where Mewtwo was sitting.

"Mewtwo can I speak to for a moment, in private?" Ash asked, he was slightly nervous.

'Sure Ash.' Mewtwo said, and the two teleported to where Ash and Arceus were beforehand.

'So what's wrong Ash?' Mewtwo asked.

"Nothings wrong, it's Arceus thinks that it might be best if I told you how I feel." Ash said nervously.

Mewtwo's heart was pounding in his chest, was Ash going to say that he didn't like Mewtwo in the same way that he liked him, or was he going to say that he loves Mewtwo as well and wants to become mates.

'What do you mean Ash?' Mewtwo asked.

"I mean that I'm in love with you Mewtwo, that is one of the reasons that I wanted to become a Mewtwo when I was given the choice, I fell in love with you when I was human, I thought that you may like me back if I was a Mewtwo." Ash said, blushing.

'Oh Ash, I fell in love with you when you were human too. However I fell in love with you even more when you became that sexy Mewtwo.' Mewtwo said, and Ash's face lit up.

"You mean it, you really love me? You would want to be mates with me?" Ash asked excitedly.

'I have never been more certain of anything.' Mewtwo said honestly.

"Okay I'll turn into my Mewtwo form so I can get a kiss." Ash said.

'No don't, while I love you in Mewtwo form also, I first fell in love with you when you were a human. I want to share my first kiss with you, when you are also human.' And with that Mewtwo rushed over to Ash and kissed him, right on the lips, while Ash was still in his human form.

The kiss lasted a few moments, and then they broke apart.

"Come on lets go and tell the others!" Ash yelled happily, and ran to the clearing to tell everyone.

When he got their he saw all his and his friends pokemon staring at Gary and Arcanine, Paul and Electivire as well as Trip and Serperior. The six mentioned people and pokemon were locked in a tight embrace and kissing one another, there was no doubt that they took Ash's advice and told their pokemon how they felt.

"Hey guys I see you took my advice?" Ash asked. This caused the 3 couples to separate from one another and give a smile.

"Yes, and I see that you didn't wimp out either." Gary said, pointing to Ash and Mewtwo, who were holding hands.

"Nope looks like everyone got who they wanted in the end. Now all that's left to do is beat the traitors and win the competition as well as the contests." Ash said.

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