Chapter 7 - The First Battle. (Part 2.)

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The 2 men and the 2 Lucario's began to walk to the stage. "We're not too late for your battle are we son?" Red asked.

Ash shook his head. "No your not, but these people keep on asking me questions when I am in the middle of a battle." Ash said, he was getting annoyed now.

"Well that's not how things were done in my time, back then if you talked or asked a question to one of those on stage you were punished." Sir Aaron said, Lucario nodding beside him.

"We just wanted to know who he was, where he learned Aura and what the hell is he doing in this tournament if he is already that strong." Lance told them.

Red smirked. "Well that's easy enough to answer. To show those that betrayed him that he is not weak, and he is not is danger to those who travel with him. And to show that poor excuse of a mother that her son was like his father, someone who won battles." Sir Aaron said.

"Yes I won my battles and became champion, but it took me many years until I was even able to win a league. Even longer for me to be to able to challenge the Elites. But there was always one thing that mattered to me more than the battles, more than winning and more than the championship." Red said.

"And what is that?" Brock yelled from the crowd. At this Ash and his father turned to the group and smirked.

"That you traitor is that more than all of those things, I cared and loved my pokemon. They were the most important thing to me, well other than my son. My wife would hit me when I didn't do something that she wanted me to, and hit Ash a couple times when he was younger. That is why I left, I was going to take Ash with me, but she threatened to kill him if I didn't leave him with her." Red explained.

The crowd looked shocked that a woman would do that to her own husband, let alone a child.

"And as all of those who travelled with Ash know, the one thing he cares about most is his pokemon. Ash's mother knew he would take after me when she looked at him, and saw that he looked exactly like me. This is why she wanted him away from pokemon, and away from me. Too bad woman, he is exactly like his father." Red smirked, while Ash smiled and nodded, hugging his father.

"One last question, then the battle can begin again?" Cynthia asked. Ash sighed and then nodded. "Why did Sir Aaron call you Chosen when he walked in?" She asked.

"Because I am the Chosen One." Ash saw that they wanted him to explain. "A while ago I was in Unova, which is where the Legendary Birds Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos, lived. They had awoken and attacking one another. There was a legend that foretold a Chosen human, who loved pokemon a lot, would know the sacred art of Aura and who carried an electric pokemon on his shoulder. This person would unite the lightning, the ice and the fire as one again. When I arrived I was immediately drawn to that area, and it was discovered that I had the power to do this." Ash paused to let this sink in. after 5 minutes he began again. "Then the Legendary Bird of the seas and water appeared, Lugia. He was the one that would test the Chosen and see if they were the one in the prophecy. Once he confirmed it was me I became the Chosen One of Arceus, the person destined to bring humans and pokemon together once again. To this day I, and my friends, are the only ones to see the Hall of Origin, meet all of the Legendaries, and meet the King of all pokemon. Arceus." Ash finished.

Once again the whole stadium went quiet, while they took all of the information in.

"Wow, you have accomplished much young one. No wonder you got into this tournament, however is it fair to allow him to continue, knowing that his pokemon as well as him have got Aura, and that he is the Chosen One?" Korrina, a fighting type champion, asked.

"Yes, he is a talented trainer and he has recommendations from Arceus himself, he will continue in this competition." Charles Goodshaw said, while the competitors looked to be a little worried, knowing who and what this person was capable of.

Up the stands sat a few very shocked people. Brock, May, Clemont, Iris, Cilan, Kenny, Dawn, Drew, Misty, Serena as well as Delia, who is Ash's mother, were beyond shocked.

"The man who beat me was that weakling Ketchum?" Drew asked.

"He is a descendent of Sir Aaron?" Brock asked.

"He found his father and knows the truth of his childhood?" Delia asked.

"He's an Aura guardian?" Dawn asked.

"He has all of those strong pokemon?" May asked.

"He revived two people long thought to be dead" Clemont asked.

"He's the Chosen One of Arceus?" Kenny asked.

"He has gotten so strong, where is the little kid that I accused him of being?" Iris asked.

"He has changed his battling style, but why, Ash always stayed doing one style?" Cilan asked.

"I wonder if I can say sorry and get with him, he has grown into a very attractive young man?" Serena asked.

They all had their questions to ask, things that they could not believe. They had given up on him, and they realised now that if they had known then they would have all this power and this attention. However it was Gary, Paul, Trip, Max and Bonnie that stuck by him, and they are the ones that were getting what they had wanted.

Ash had achieved his dream, found his true friends, gained a new team of pokemon that he loves and found the father that he had always wanted.

Gary had become what he was meant to become, and became the best of friends with Ash again.

Paul gained the family and the team that he dreamed of.

Trip no longer had to travel alone, he had also fulfilled his dream.

Bonnie was now higher up in coordinating that May or Dawn were, and she had only been doing it for 8 years.

Max was now achieving his dream, to follow in the footsteps of his idol Ash, and become one of the best pokemon masters in the world.

They had given all of that up because they thought Ash to be weak. If their pride and their temper had not gotten the best of them, they could have been the ones achieving their dreams, and not the people that were standing not too far away from them.

"Alright not that we all understand what has been happening, we can begin the match once again." The announcer said.

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