Chapter 8 - The First Battle. (Part 3.)

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"Right the match paused when Ash called out his attack, do that again and the match will begin." The referee said, Ash and Nando nodded.

"Kricketune use sing!" Nando yelled again.

"Latias use Aura powered charm!" Ash again yelled.

Kricketune releases it's attack, however it had no affect on the legendary dragon. Meanwhile Latias had begun staring at the bug type pokemon, this greatly lowered any attacks that Kricketune would make in the future.

"Why did sing not work?" Nando asked.

"Because Latias is a legendary pokemon some moves have got no affect on her. All of the legendaries have got types that are affective towards them, while other types have no affect what so ever. In Latias' case one of the types that has no affect on her is Normal type moves." Ash explained.

At this Nando began to get nervous, Kricketune is the only pokemon that is able to make their opponents fall asleep. Which is why he always got through his rounds using just Kricketune, however he is not going to be able to do this, this time and that worried him.

"Kricketune use bug buzz!" Nando yelled.

"Latias use Aura powered psychic!" Ash yelled.

Bug buzz failed completely, as it was a bug type move and therefore had no affect on Latias.

However Latias got a hold of Kricketune using her most powerful attack psychic, her eyes were glowing blue and Kricketune was surrounded in the same blue glow.

"Latias now push Kricketune up into the air, then drop it." Ash commanded, earning a nod from Latias.

Latias did as she was told. Ash noticed that Kricketune was out cold. "Latias Kricketune has fainted, fly down and catch it." Ash commanded.

Latias nodded her head, and flew down quickly in a nose dive, grabbing Kricketune before he hit the ground. Once she got a hold of him she lowered him to the ground.

"Kricketune is unable to battle, Latias is the winner. Trainers choose your next pokemon." The referee said.

Both of the trainers nodded and recalled the unconscious Kricketune and the fully fir Latias.

"Sunflora, come out and battle with me!" Nando yelled. Out of the pokeball came what looked to be a standing sunflower with a face on in front of the petals.

"Lucario, give me your Aura!" Ash yelled. Out of the pokeball came a dog like pokemon, blue, black and cream in colour, with spikes on it's paws and one on it's chest.

At this Nando paled a little, he saw that Lucario beforehand and it looked incredibly strong, he didn't think he could win this battle.

"Sunflora use leaf storm!" Nando yelled. A massive tornado of magically powered leaves began to swirl and head straight for Lucario.

"Lucario use Aura powered bone rush!" Ash commanded. Lucario nodded and placed both of his paws at his side and pulled the right away, a glowing staff followed the right hand.

Lucario ran at the leaf storm and easily sliced through it with the powerful bone rush.

"Sunflora use solar beam!" Nando yelled. Sunflora stood still for a moment while absorbing the sun, when there was enough energy it released it in a powerful beam.

"Lucario take it!" Ash calmly said. Lucario knew what he was trying to do and went along without complaint.

Lucario nodded and stood still as the powerful solar beam came straight at him. The beam hit Lucario and he stumbled, soon Lucario was not visible to the crowd nor the competitors.

'Lucario, it's time to show our secret weapon.' Ash said, however they were using Aura, a form of communication that only Aura users are able to use.

'Yes master.' Lucario said.

Once the solar beam had cleared it gave everyone a shock. Lucario was unharmed, standing there like he had not been attacked.

"Wow what a strong Lucario, I have never seen a pokemon withstand a solar beam without being damaged a little bit. While this Lucario looks to not have been attacked at all." The announcer said.

Ash's friends looked at him and smiled. "Looks like he's going to start using his secret weapon in all of his battles now." Paul said. It took one look at Ash's face to see that Paul was right.

"Lucario, it's time to reveal another one of our secrets." Ash smirked.

The crowd once again gasped, this boy had another secret.

Both Ash and Lucario began to glow, Ash glowed blue while Lucario glowed golden. They released beams of light from themselves that connected with one another, and began to glow white.

"Oh my goodness folks, this looks like a form of Mega Evolution, however neither the Key Stone nor the Mega Stone has been used. Is this a true form of Mega Evolution?" The announcer said.

A bright light surrounded Lucario in a way that no one could see him.

"Lucario, share our Aura and Mega Evolve!" Ash yelled.

When the light died down there stood Lucario, however he looked different than he did before he was surrounded by the white light. Now standing before everyone was a taller pokemon, still blue and black in colouring however he now had red patches on his paws, feet and scattered around his body, on each of his paws was a large spike with a smaller one behind it, on the chest there was also a large spike but there was two smaller ones one each side of it and finally the 4 appendages that were on the side of Lucario's head, had joined into 2 and had elongated with red tips.

This was a Mega Lucario.

"And there it is folks, the Mega Lucario. This has increased Lucario's speed and attacks, however none of the stones were used, how is this possible?" The announcer asked.

"That's because of 2 reasons. One of which is because my pokemon know how to use Aura as you already know. By sharing my Aura and that of my pokemon, it gives them enough strength to Mega Evolve without the use of the stones. However as you also know to Mega Evolve trainers and the evolving pokemon have to have a close bond, that is the second thing, I am very close to Lucario. That added to the sharing of our Aura allows Lucario to Mega Evolve, with the use of neither stone." Ash explained.

"Professors is this a real thing, and can it be done?" The referee asked.

At this Professor Oak stood up. "In fact there is a chance. While we have not had any proof of this we have speculated that if a pokemon is strong enough, and there is a very close bond between the pokemon and the trainer then the pokemon can Mega Evolve without the use of the stones." Oak said, nodding at Ash, proud of him for making his speculations come true.

"Well if it is true then it is allowed. You may continue the battle." The referee says.

"Sunflora use double edge!" Nando said. This move was very risky, as it was a form of tackle attack, however this one would also cause harm to the pokemon that was using it.

"Lucario use Aura powered close combat!" Ash said. Lucario got up close to Sunflora when it was using stone edge, this made Lucario hit the grass type each time, and with the affect from the stone edge, it made Sunflora feint.

"Sunflora is unable to battle, Lucario is the winner. Trainers please choose your final pokemon." The referee said.

"Altaria I choose you!" Nando yelled. Out of the pokeball came a dragon/bird pokemon, it was mostly blue in colour with white cheeks and it's wings were like cotton wool, pure white and fluffy lucky.

What Ash was going to chose next, was going to amaze and astound the stadium.

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