Chapter 6 - The First battle. (Part 1.)

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The next day was the first of the battles and Ash was facing a man called Nando, a trainer and contest champion who specialised in bug types.

"This battle is between Nando, the contest champion, and Ash Ketchum, pokemon master and legendary trainer." The announcer yelled. At this Ash lowered the hood he always wore and revealed his face to the world. While he had changed in some aspects, he was still recognisable as Ash Ketchum from the town of Pallet.

Up in the stands the traitors as well as Ash's mother Delia, were looking down onto the stage in shock. "The person that beat Drew, was that loser all this time?" Misty asked shocked.

"There is no way that loser of a trainer is that strong, maybe they called out the wrong name?" May asked.

"There is no way to call out another name of a trainer who is not here. And besides look at him, he looks exactly like Ash, well except the partly blue eyes and the partly blue hair. There is no mistake, that trainer is Ash." Clemont said.

"We should have gotten a hint when we saw who he was travelling with, I mean Paul, Trip and Gary are all rivals of Ash's that turned to friends and Bonnie and Max were last seen when they stuck by Ash. That should have hinted to us, as well as the fact that he had a Pikachu on his shoulder like the loser always did." Brock explained. When all of this was out in the open everyone wondered how they had not figured it out before hand.

"I don't know how he was able to beat Drew, but I highly doubt he will get past this round in the tournament. Nando is well known for his use of putting pokemon to sleep, so unless all of Ash's pokemon know sleep talk, then he is done for." Kenny said, the others nodding.

Also up in the stands was Ash's friends as well as team rocket, who were under a disguise.

"Do you think Ash is going to be able to beat him. This Nando puts all pokemon to sleep and defeats them that way. I don't think all of Ash's pokemon know sleep talk?" Jessie asked.

"He will be fine Jessie, Ash knows how to deal with all attacks. He will win this tournament and the competition. I may want to win, but even me, Trip and Gary know that we are going to lose against him." Paul said, while Gary and Trip nodded.

Back down on stage Nando was staring at Ash. "What do they mean legendary trainer?" He asked.

Ash smirked. "Well I guess I will show you soon enough." Ash smiled.

"Like all battles till we reach "In the top 20 this is a 3 on 3 battle. Once one pokemon has been eliminated, then both trainers have to chose a new pokemon. The first person to lose all 3 is eliminated from the tournament. Do you understand the rules?" The referee asked.

Both of the trainers nodded. "Battle begin!" The announcer yelled.

"Call out your first pokemon!" The referee yelled.

"Kricketune, battle ready!" Nando yelled. The pokeball opened up to reveal a red and black bug type pokemon, well known for putting pokemon and people to sleep.

"Your about to find out why I'm the legendary trainer. Latias, lend me your Aura!" Ash yelled. The pokeball opened up to reveal a red and while Eon dragon, with bright golden eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen Ash has caught a Latias, a rare legendary pokemon, native to the Sinnoh region." The announcer yelled.

"That's what they meant by legendary trainer, because you have got a legendary pokemon. That is no matter, Latias is still a pokemon and whether legendary or not, he can still fall to Kricketune's sleeping powers." Nando bragged.

"Actually Latias is a girl, the boy is called Latios. And I highly doubt that a move like that is going to be able to even scare my legendary." Ash said calmly.

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