Chapter 9 - The New Pokemon and Last of the Battle.

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"It's time to show you a new pokemon, that no one has. Skyceon, spread your wings and show your Aura!" Ash yelled. The pokemon that came from the pokemon was one that the crowd, champions and elites have not seen this pokemon. Like all of the Eevee evolutions it had large eyes, however they were yellow, it's whole body had mint coloured fur leading down to one of the longest tails ever seen with a large tuft of green fur at the end, on it's forehead lay a 'V' with a small tuft of dark then light blue fur and finally there was a pair of light blue wings sprouting from the middle of the pokemon's body.

"What is that?" The referee asked.

(6 months ago.)

Ash, Paul, Trip, Gary, Bonnie and Max were training on Mount Silver, recently Ash had been trying different combinations to see if any of them would result in another Eevee evolution, Ash had already discovered many more Eevee evolutions and now had pokemon that professors do not know even exist, but he still had one more Eevee and he had a feeling that there was one more out there. However so far there had been no results.

"There has been no luck in evolving Eevee, I'm beginning to think that we have found all the ones that the professors have not." Ash sighed, he knew his Eevee wanted to become something else, wanted to become one of a kind, but it didn't look like that was going to happen.

'Ash you need to calm down, you always find and achieve what you want, if you truly want to do this then you will be able to.' Eevee said, though he wanted to become one of a kind, he knew that it was going to take some time.

"Thanks pal, but I know that you want to be one of a kind, and I feel like I am letting you down." Ash explained further.

'You are not failing me and you are not letting me down either. I trust that you will find what you need to, it may not be today, tomorrow or this year. But I do know that you are going to find it.' Eevee said, placing his paw on Ash's leg.

"Thank you boy." Ash said, petting Eevee's head.

Eevee looked over to his right and saw something shining. He went to investigate, and found a feather, silver in colour and seeming to give of it's own light.

'Hey Ash come look at this thing.' Eevee asked his trainer.

Ash walked over to see what his pokemon had found.

"That is a silver feather Eevee, they are exceedingly rare, at first some thought that it came from Ho-Oh but that has since been proven wrong." As explained.

'It's so beautiful.' Eevee admired.

"Yes it is, however it is so rare that not many people have actually seen it." Ash smiling down at his young friend.

Eevee reached out his paw and touched the feather, suddenly he began to glow blue at first and then to white. When the light had disappeared there was not an Eevee standing before Ash, no it was a pokemon that he had never seen before. It had big wide eyes like any Eevee evolution however they were yellow in colouring, it had green fur leading down to one of the longest tails on an Eevee evolution with a large tuft of fur at the end, a small blue 'V' on it's forehead with a tuft of dark then light blue fur and lastly a pair of blue wings coming from it's middle.

"Wow Eevee you evolved, and into a new species of pokemon. This must be the flying type Eevee evolution." Ash said, while he was writing notes on what his newest pokemon looked like.

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