Chapter 3 - Meeting the Traitors and a Battle. (Part 1)

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Once they were all signed in they were going out to train their pokemon, when they ran into people that they never wanted to see again.

Ash was using his name Red Satoshi when talking to other people, but when it comes to the battles and contests his real name as Ash Ketchum has to be used.

He ignored them and went past them, bumping into May.

"Excuse me, you just bumped into me. I want an apology." May said.

"You bumped into me miss. So watch where you are going." Ash said.

"Just who do you think you are?" May said harshly.

"My name is Red Satoshi. These are my friends Gary, Trip, May, Bonnie, Max and Paul." At the names the traitors gasped.

"Bonnie is that you?" Clemont asks.

"Max is that you?" May asks.

Both Bonnie and Max ignore their former siblings, turning their faces away. Clemont and May looked heartbroken.

"Well since you did not apologise to my girlfriend, then I challenge you to a pokemon battle." Drew said.

"Fine then, but I warn you, you shouldn't have done that." Ash said.

They moved to the battle ground and stood on opposite sides. They declared that it was to be a one on one battle.

"Masquerain , I chose you!" Drew yelled.

"Cresselia, I chose you!" Ash yelled.

Everyone other than Ash's friends gasped. " That's the legendary and only Cresselia, how did you catch her?" Brock asked.

"That is for me to know mate. Now do you still want to battle me, knowing that I have got this legendary and powerful pokemon, as well as a type advantage over you?" Ash says, hoping the answer is no. Although this would be a simple battle, his Cresselia wanted to do some extra training, even if it is with Drew's weak Masquerain.

"Of course I still want to battle you, just because it is a legendary pokemon doesn't mean that it is very strong." Drew shot back, however he did look slightly nervous.

"I was hoping you would say that." Ash smirked, Cresselia smirked right back.

Drew began to sweat a little bit at the prospect that he is going to have to fight a legendary pokemon, the only one of its kind.

"You look a little scared Drew, are you sure that you do not want to pull out when you have the chance?" Ash smirked.

"Look Red no one tells me to back out of a fight, so whoever you are, you should be the one to be backing out of this fight. Even with that weak legendary you will not stand a chance against me." Drew boasted. All the traitors cheered for Drew though May and Clemont were not as enthusiastic as they were when they arrived.

"Haha, please do not make me laugh, me back down to you, this is just a warm up for me, you aren't even worth my time, but since I don't like you then I will battle you. How many pokemon do you want each?" Ash asked. It didn't matter to Ash one bit, he knew that he would win no matter how many pokemon they would be battling with.

"We will do a 3 on 3 pokemon battle, the first to lose all 3 of their pokemon is the loser." Drew said, more confidently.

'Ash I think that you should battle with 3 legendary pokemon, show them that you are not to be messed with. This boy looks like some form of traffic light.' Ash heard from Cresselia.

"Yes that's a good idea. And yeah he kinda does." Ash said, smiling.

"Huh, who the hell are you talking to?" Drew asked, confusedly.

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