Chapter 15 - The Battle Between Friends and the Disappearance of Ash.

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(Note : This is going to be a very short Chapter. I am focusing more on my other two stories, as one of them is new and the other is my most popular. Also I am running out of idea's I apologize if this is not a fitting ending.)

Here it was, the last battle that Ash was going to be facing. He knew that he wanted to finish the tournament, but he made himself, his pokemon and his family a promise. As soon as he had defeated Brock then they would leave, whether it was in a competition or not they would leave right after.

So the battle begun. Ash used Sudowoodo as his first pokemon, the pokemon that left Brock in favour of joining his team after the betrayal.

"You stole my pokemon!" Brock exclaimed.

"Actually traitor Sudowoodo wanted to come with me. After she saw how you were treating me she didn't want anything to do with you so she came to me." Ash said. Brock looked at one of his most prized pokemon, and watched it nod it's head.

Of course since Ash had trained Sudowoodo for a long time the pokemon was stronger than when Brock last had it. Brock had chosen to use Croagunk, Ash of course won.

For his second pokemon Ash chose Swampert, another pokemon that once belonged to Brock.

"Let me guess it joined you as well?" Brock said, to which Ash and Swampert nodded their heads. Brock chose Chansey as his second pokemon, and once again Ash was the one to come out on top.

Brock's third pokemon was Vulpix, and Ash chose to use Suicune. Once again Brock lost.

This was the results for the next two.

Ash chose to use Articuno against Brock's Onix as their 4th pokemon, Ash being able to defeat the strong rock type pokemon.

For the fifth pokemon Brock chose to use Geodude, while Ash chose to use Zekrom, who spread darkness all over the area. Once again it was Ash that came on top.

"Are you sure you want to continue, you should know by now that you are not going to win against me." Ash said, smirking at the look Brock had on his face.

"I get the feeling that you have used all of your good pokemon now, if I am going to lose then I am going to take one of your pokemon down with me." Brock said, his eyes betraying the nervousness that he was truly feeling.

"Haha, believe me I have two more strong pokemon that you have not met. One of these is Arceus herself, the creator pokemon." Ash saw the look on Brock's face, and smiled. He knew that there was one pokemon that wanted to get the most revenge on the man.

"You would win with one shot if you use that pokemon." Brock said loudly, causing more people to gather around them.

"Oh believe me that would be true, but there is one pokemon that wants to battle you for anything." Ash said. "Release your last pokemon traitor." Ash said.

Brock decided to go with Fortress, one of the first pokemon that he ever caught. "This will be the pokemon that will beat one of yours." Brock said, gaining a hysterical laugh from Ash and Ash's friends.

"Oh Brock, I would like you to meet my mate." Ash said as he released Mewtwo, to say the crowd, the traitors and Brock were surprised was an under statement.

"What is that thing? And why did you call it your mate?" Brock demanded.

"This is Mewtwo, the genetic pokemon. It was an experiment from Team Rocket that went wrong. He is a mix of Mew and human DNA, made to be this. I rescued him, and he stayed with me. As for the mate part why don't I show you?" Ash said, earning him nods from Brock and the crowd that was around them.

Ash closed his eyes and he could feel his body changing. He showed himself as a blue Mewtwo. "This is my form. When I started training on my own Arceus made me part pokemon, a one of my choice so I picked this. Not long after that me and Mewtwo found out that we were mates, so we fell in love with one another."  Ash explained.

"Well that is disgusting, but your little mate is going to be defeated." Brock yelled.

As was expected from the beginning of the battle, it was Ash that came out on top. This earned him a glare from Brock and the traitors, a smile from his friend, family and the crowd and a kiss from Mewtwo.

After they left he field they went back to the Hall of Origin, where they all lived happily. Everyone back at the tournament wondered where Ash had gone, in the end someone that Ash did not know won the tournament. Ash knew that he was going to return to all the gyms, leagues and tournaments again, and this time he was going to win them all, therefore fulfilling the dream that he had when he was younger.

Ash was happy now. He had beaten Brock, he had revealed himself to the rest of the world, he had his real friends and family, he had great pokemon and he finally found the person that he was destined to be with, Mewtwo. And not long after that another thing came true, Mewtwo found out that he was pregnant, giving birth to a healthy baby boy, it was a Mewtwo fully with no human, but it did have Ash's brown eyes from when he was human. 

They named him Argus, and they lived happily.

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