Chapter 10 - Facing the Friends, Training and a chat between Mates.

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"Wow big brother that was awesome, and you didn't use all of the surprises, you still had one left." Bonnie said.

"Yeah I know but I get the feeling that that will be revealed soon." Ash said, accepting the hug that everyone gave him.

"Ash your ex friends and your mother were talking during the match saying that they were going to apologise and say they were hypnotised. That you miss them too much and would take them back, that Serena thinks that you are in love with her too." Paul said, looking at his best friend.

When Ash heard this he burst out in laughter. "Me forgive them, I have new friends in you and new parents in yours, I do not need them, and we all know that what they did they did on their own. And me love Serena? Ha not in this nor any other lifetime, she's annoying and too clingy. I really did not like her during our journey." Ash said.

The group then left to the area behind the stage, knowing that they were being followed. When Ash and his friends turned around there were his ex friends, his mother and the professor.

"Oh what do you losers want now?" Paul said.

"Watch your language when talking to an adult, right professor Oak?" Delia said.

Professor Oak looked over to Ash and moved over to stand with the one that he considered his second grandson.

"Oak what are you doing?" Brock asked the man.

"I am joining my side. Who do you think told Ash about all of you and what you were up to?" Oak said, smirking at the looks that the others were giving him.

"You betrayed us?" Delia asked.

"You all betrayed us, after what we went through with all of you, you left us." May said.

At this all those that were around Ash, and Ash himself shook in anger. "We betrayed you. You said my dream was worthless, you said I should give up what I wanted to do the most, you wanted me to marry someone that I do not even like and then you have the audacity to blame me for betraying you?" Ash said.

"Yeah, Ash saved your lives a number of times, he let you see the legendary pokemon that not many have seen and he has put his heart into helping you for your battles and your contests. And what do you do, you throw it back into his face. I can't wait for Ash to reveal the rest of the surprises he has waiting for you." Gary said, while the others smirked.

"You were so weak, what happened to you?" Clemont said.

"My friends betraying me. While I hate you and will never forgive you for what you have done I do have to thank you. Without that push you gave me I never would have gotten to where I am today. I have you lot to thank for me being who I am." Ash smirked.

"We will beat you, one of us will beat you in this tournament or in the contests, and then you will be shown for the weakling you are." Brock said, as he and the others began to walk away.

"Okay everyone now that the annoying people are gone who is up for some training?" Ash asked his group.

They spent the next few hours with their pokemon, training them and just being happy together. Ash was proud of himself, he did not know how the first meeting was going to go between him and his friends, but he was glad to have his true friends and family their supporting him through it.

Training was over for that night, and tomorrow Ash would take part in the first of the contests. 'My mate what is troubling you so?' A voice sounded from next to him.

When Ash turned his head to look he saw the shape of the pokemon that he loved sitting down next to him. "Nothing Mewtwo, it's just the way my ex friends were looking at me they looked at me with such emotion. Serena with lust in her eyes and the others just wanting me back because I have gotten strong. Is that all I am a toy for people to push away and then want back when I get strong?" Ash said, on the verge of letting the tears that he had kept hidden for so long, fall.

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