Chapter 11 - Contest Debut the First Round.

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The next morning Ash awoke more comfy than he was last night, and when he looked down he knew why. Lying below Ash was his mate Mewtwo, the pokemon's arms were wrapped tightly around Ash's waist, Ash's head was buried in the pokemon's neck while his arms were wrapped over Mewtwo's stomach. Ash blushed, him and Mewtwo maybe together and maybe mates, but they had never slept in the same bed or the same anywhere before, Mewtwo was always in his pokeball while Ash slept.

Mewtwo seemed to sense that his love was awake as he groaned before opening his eyes. "Ash, love, what's wrong? You look a bit shocked and flustered." The pokemon said, concerned for the one he loved.

"Oh it's nothing love, it's just we have never slept together." Ash said, blushing an even darker shade of red.

When Mewtwo heard this he began to laugh. "Is that it my mate, we are dating and we are mates, this is what we are meant to be doing. Does it make you uncomfortable?" Mewtwo asked. This was the thing that he was most concerned about, the fact the while Ash maybe part pokemon he has spent most of his life as a human. Mewtwo knew that Ash loved him, of that he was sure, but he did not know what Ash felt about sexual things.

Ash saw the look that Mewtwo had in his eyes, it was the look of worry and doubt. "No Mewtwo, it does not, I love you and when I say that I mean all of you. I have just never thought of doing this with pokemon and that thought makes me nervous. If it was any other pokemon I would be opposed to it, but because it is you and because I love you, the only effect that it has one me is a good one." Ash said, trying to calm his love down.

Mewtwo heard and saw the sincerity in his loves voice so he leaned up and gave Ash a kiss, which Ash moaned into. There was little tap on the side of the tent, and Gary's voice came through saying that he needs to get ready for his contest. This caused Mewtwo to moan in disappointment and pull away from Ash, this in turn made Ash whine, who was enjoying being kissed.

"Now love, you will get more of that after you win this contest. As you know you have to use three pokemon, first round is showing of the beauty of one of your pokemon, the second round is a battle using another pokemon, however beauty and grace should be shown in the attacks, it is the same in the third round using the last of your pokemon. If you win all of the contests then you move onto the Grand Festival final stage, and what you did in the contests you double." Mewtwo said, wanting to go through the rules to make sure his love understood what he was doing.

"Yes thank you Mewtwo, I did not know all of that." Ash said, giving his love a hug and a kiss.

"And don't forget, if you get put during a battle then you cannot take part in the contests, and if you get put out in a contest then you are not able to battle." Mewtwo said, to which his lover nodded his head in understanding.

When they had given each other one more kiss they walked out of the tent holding hands. Gary and Arcanine were cuddled up together as were Trip and Serperior, while Paul and Electivire were making out in the back of the group.

Bonnie and Max were making the breakfast as they were the only ones that were able to cook. All of the pokemon were out of their pokeball's, some of them were resting with their mates in the shade, some were playing with one another and others were having small battles. Ash smiled seeing his friends, or who he considered his family, and his pokemon all happily being together.

"Ash, Mewtwo. Always the last ones to get up." Trip said, peeking from behind the grass pokemon.

"Hehe, what can you expect from me?" Ash said, as he moved over to get something to eat. Once they were done they all headed for the pokemon centre, there were no battles today as every other day to the battles there was a contest.

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