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Luna's pov

"I still think you shouldn't go" I say to lara "I know but I'll be fine" she smiles and I nod in return. "Ok here is your sword,your book and in your bag there is some gloves,food,a blanket and a flask of water" I say hanging her her sword bag and leather book just like lincolns. "He did draw a map for you didnt he?" I ask "yes and thank you luna" I hug her for what could be the last time. "Ok you ready" I smile wiping away a tear "yeah" she smiles as jen a little girl hands her 'save passage' "thank you" she smile as does jen "goodbye luna" she smiles as she steps into the crate and drinks what's in the small bottle "goodbye lara" I smile sadly as she passes out and the doors close.

Lara's pov

I wake up on the ground with my sword and book in hand, my bag on my back and around my waist is a scabbard for my sword. I stand up and look around I slide my sword Into the scabbard and look at my map I sigh knowing how long this walk will be.

Octavia's pov

I stand up and wipe away the tears and try to look alright I have to tell lincoln so I start to look for him I walk down the halls of the ark and the first place I think of is the training area I walk in to see my brother and lincoln training kids and teenagers how to fight. Once lincoln see's me I freeze he tells the boy and girl he was fighting to do something and he walks over to me. "Hey octavia are you ok?" he asks snaping me out of my frozen position I nod "I...I need to to talk to you" I say shaking he looks at me in the eyes and nods he takes my arm and brings me out side

"What is it octavia are you sure you're ok" he puts his hands on my arms "lincoln....your going to be a dad" I cry he looks shocked but happy the he brings his hands to cup my face and wipes my tears with his tumbs. I put my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me "I love you octavia" is all he says "I love you too" I look up at him and he plants a soft kiss on my lips "no matter what happens we will keep that baby save ok" he says "ok" I reply

Lara's pov

"Dammit" I say as I fall once again I take out the map to find where I'm going

"Dammit" I say as I fall once again I take out the map to find where I'm going

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"The airplane wreckage ive been running for 2 hour's" I look up at the sky. 'It's getting dark i'll camp here' I think to myself. I walk into the old creepy wreckage that somehow still looks like a plane. I settle up at the top of the plane I take my bag of my back and take out my blanket I wasn't hungry so I didn't need food. "Looking at my map it will take another day to reach arkadia and 2 days to reach tondc,but where would lincoln be...he'd be wherever octavia is and her brother wouldn't let her leave right.....they must be in arkadia if not its on the way to tondc" I say to myself. I lay down and deside it was time to sleep

Lincoln's pov

I lay in bed with my arms around around octavia just thinking my mind racing thinking of anything and everything I could

✖the end of the world
✖octavia and bellamy

But most of all the the one thing keeping me up is the baby, we're having a baby I'm going to be a father.

Octavia's pov

the next morning I wake up on lincolns chest and he has one arm around me I smile to myself then a turning feel in my stomach happens again I jolt up and run to the bathroom. Lincoln follows straight after "Octavia whats wron--" he rushes to my side and lifts my hair up out of my face and rubs circle on my back. When I am done lincoln passes Me a towel and I wipe my face

"are you ok" he asks " I'm fine" I reply and he kisses my head "I'm not leaving you today harper can help bellamy I'm staying with you " he states "no then bell will know something isn't right I don't want to tell him yet I don't even want to speak to him" "you'll have to O' you can't just wait for the news to get to him he raised you he made a mistake even I forgive him and I was the one killed you have to talk to him it's been a month" he reasons with me "....fine" I give in "good he says and kisses my cheek I give a half smile as he gets up "I'm only going to leave you for 5 minutes to tell harper to fill in for me I'll be back ok" he walks into our bed room "ok" I say as I stand up to brush my teeth.

Lara's pov

I jolt awake "Dammit" I realise I slept for to long I gather all my things and set of again for long journey,I haven't seen lincoln since Mt. Weather lexa was forced to put a kill order on him and her and luna wouldn't let me leave boat clan.
Lincoln's pov

"Harper can you fill in for me at the training and helping bellamy Octavia's not feeling so good" I ask "oh of course do you want me to tell him about O' too" "oh no that's fine thank you" "of course let me know when she feeling better ok" "sure"

Ok guys I'm gonna leave this page here hope you liked it please give it vote and comment so I know
Thanks for reading
Xoxo MMG

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