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Ravens pov
I wake up with my arms around bellamy last night was tough on him every so often he'd have a brake down and just let his emotions out last night was one of those night where he couldn't take it.

Last night

"Bellamy calm down" I plead at my angry boyfriend "how can I came down when the world's going to end my sister hates me and now today she's sick half the grounders want me and everyone I love dead and then the ice nation wants us all dead how the hell am I going to calm down" he yells "I. .." his voice get lower sadder as he sits on the floor "I just want things to go back the way they were when this we happy for the short time" his voice in now only a whisper as he now sits on the floor with his head in hands "I know" I go to his side. I take one of his hands out from under his head and hold it while putting it over my shoulder I rest my head on his. "Everything will be ok" he lifts his head and looks at me "I'm sorry" he says "it's okay" I take his face in my hands and using my tumbs I wipe away his tears, he looks at me with sorrow in his eyes I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head one side . Hugging him tightly squeezing my eyes shut to blink aways tears. See him so sad angry hurt hurts me I don't think anyone thinks about how he feels exempt for clarke and I and octavia .....once but she will again someday although I do think lara sees think she cares for whatever reason

Back to this morning

I look at the man in front of me his tear stained face his curly dark hair the freckles that cover his face. I sigh and bring my lips to his planting a kiss on them. Trying to wiggle out of his grasp and failing miserably " let me go blake" I mere mer then I see a smirk Spread across his face. I stop struggling "are you awake blake?" I ask no respons. I try again but am then pulled down "can we just have a bed day?" Bellamy groans "so you are awake then....We can't we have work to do not to menstion clarke lexa and lara are leaving for polis" "but that's later" bellamys eyes are open and looking at me "1 hour ?" " fine " I give in after all the ground is very tiring especially when you can hardly walk. He smiles kissing my head and snuggling back down to sleep.

Lincoln's pov

"Lincoln of trikru I here by sentence you to death on the exiteis charter" I hear the words over and over again I see octavia smiling I see her worrying for me all the moments we had I see lara as she was placed in my arms as a baby I watch her grow up I see lexa smiling while training lara I see my cave all my paintings. I hear the gun shot.

I jolt awake in a sweat he same vision that comes everynight. I get up and walk to the bathroom look in the foggy old mirror angry at my self worried that this is all just a dream that I actually am dead. "Lincoln" I here a shy little voice behind me call. I turn around and see lara standing in the door frame "lara what are you doing up ?" " couldn't sleep" she says "why not ?" I ask "same reason as you....nightmares" "how did you--" "I know when you have nightmares you jump awake and you look in. A mirror to tell your self it's not real" "oh... what did you dream about" I ask "it's notthing to worry about " she lies. I look at her for a moment to long "you suurre" I ask dragging out the word "yeah" she nods and walks back to her bed leaving me alone again. I turn around and look at my self once more "it's not's not real" I convince my self.

I put my hands on each side of the sink I look down then up shaking my head. I walk back into the bed room throwing on my t-shirt I look at Octavia I give her a half smile and kiss her forhead then leave the room. I walk out of the ark at the exit I'm stopped by a guard "where do you think your going sir" "out for some air" I look at the guard "alright sir do be careful there was a mess left after the hurricane (I know I said tornado I ment hurricane) "of course" I nod walking away needing to clear my head.

The 100 Season 4-5Where stories live. Discover now