page 15 the dawn of bloods

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The wind in my hair the smell of the trees and grass I concentrate on the sight before me not looking behind or to the sides just ahead of what is to come not what is gone or what may happen but may not and what way will it hit I just look ahead of what I am sure to see what is sure to happen and what I will see coming. Lara a voice from behind calls Lara I hear again more panicked Lara stop Lara wait lee its me the voice yells I bring my horse to a quick halt as I do she turns the relive noting no one just the woods Ive already road through just a voice in the wind.


"so, whats the plan?" ayia asks as she looks at me "you have a plan, right?" "of course," she lets out a breath of relive "just not a very good one" my eyes scan the city of Azgada "we shouldnt be doing this ourselves" "then who should we do it with huh Titus lexa you know Nia will have them dead in seconds of them stepping into ice nation territory" "and us? A triheda who might I mention is the key to polis and every other clan who follow us and me glowkru this could start a war between our people maybe we should let her be and besides we dont even know shes a nigtbleeda" "she bleed black and I didnt ask you to come" "well of course Im going to come if you say hey Im going to ice nation where I think theres another damm night blood who might just be as evil as the queen oh and no one knows" "oh come ayia I was not that straight forward" "doesnt matter lets just go before we get caught" "what go straight into a clan that we dont want to get caught by great plan commander" "shut up we'll circle around go in through the woods leave the horses here climb the trees over the fence" "okay and when were in try not to get killed" I smirked and turned my horse to start walking down the hill ayia soon follows.

"Ok so now were in anything else you want to tell me" "nope" "really you bring me for a dam suicide mission and don't tell me the plan whats plan B plan?" "hope that plan A works" I smirk she lets out a breath of annoyance "of course it is" she turns her attention to the people in the city as we knelt behind the bushes. "this is nothing like polis or glow there are more warriors then people more blood on the streets and the people don't look happy at all" "what did you expect glowing grass and smiling children its Azgada" she rolls her eyes "a bit of humanity" "lets just do what we came to do and get out of here" "finally something I can agree with" she gets up and starts sneaking off I roll my eyes and follow her trail

Suddenly i start falling I feel a sharp stab in my sides and my legs my arms by back and stomach everywhere after what felt like ages I come to a stop and the last thing I see is a clear blue sky before everything goes black.

*end of flashback*

I walk through the gates of polis avoiding anyone and everyone I bring my horse to the stables and lock the half door. I go to my room and grab my towel and head down to the river.

I reach the river in 5 is almost hidden by trees and flowers scattered around the water there are large rocks forming a ledge high enough to jump from and the water almost glows blue. I unzip my leather jacket and take of my scabbard with my sword still in it I slide of my dark shoulder top over my head and take of my jeans leaving me in my black sports bra and black underwear leave my things by a large oak tree and go to the highest rock and jump into the water. Its surprisingly warmer than I thought there is no snow this way it was odd but I guess a lot of dead fish everywhere was strange too the weather was beginning to become more and more unpredictable but for now I didnt care. I swim around forgetting every worry 30 minutes later I dont even notice the girl smiling at me sitting on the rocks. Renay. "hey" I smile "hi" she giggles "what are you doing?" "Watching you" "Why don't you join me?" "I would but I can't swim" "no but you can stand" I prompted myself up on my toes even though Im very short though I just about reached the ground "you seem to short" she giggles "yeah well your taller than me" I walk closer pushing the water out of my way with my hands "am I?" "yeah see" now Im right in front of her "oh" she blushes and giggles "come on" I lead her into the water "ok give me a sec" she walks over to the where I left my clothes and takes of her own minutes after she is carefully waking into the water while being cautious of where she steps "ahh what was that" she jumps I giggle "its called seaweed" I shake my head I move closer to her and take her hands witch are spread out on eithir side of her I bring them forward and without any waring I pull her In as she screams with laughter "your curl" "i know" I laugh at her. strands of Her curly dark brown almost black hair lay across her face and the dark freckles on the bridge of her nose are even more noticeable on her light skin her blue eyes a shade so rear i'd almost never seen, a light blue and as it gets closer to her pupils the colour fades lighter and the beautiful blue colour is divided from the white by a black ring. "didn't Octavia almost get killed by a water snake?" she asks "oh yeah I think I may have heard that" I think back "and you're not worried about that thing coming back?" she questions in fear "no the waters to warm they like it cold besides a water snake has never been seen anywhere near here" she nods and lets go of her worries floating around and splashing in the water.

Half an hour later Renay stops "whats that on your leg" she asks "whats what?" "thoughs spots" "what bloody spots.." look at my legs to see blisters forming on my legs and up my thigh "get out of the water" I tell her she doesn't question me but tries to help me out "Im fine" I insist and follow her. She instantly grabs my towel and throws it over my shoulders "you ok?" she asks "yeah fine, are you?" she checks her body for anything "yeah Im fine" she picks up her clothes and starts dressing then hands me mine "you didn't feel anything?" she asks as she puts her jeans on "no" "no sign of it happening at all" "I woke up in the woods the other night while finding a crazy woman and the bitch in the red dress could that have been any indication" I say kind of sarcastically maybe she raises an eyebrow "no" I say as I tilt my head "these are radiation burns or elisions we need to get to Clarke " she nods when were both dressed I try to stand but fail. Renay quickly rushes to my side "here" she throws my arm over her shoulder and her hand on my waist "you're already starting to get weak"

*ravens pov*

"hey its ok you'll figure this out" "will I because little does everyone know we only have a month of survivability and I have no idea that to do" I whisper the last part "how can we save everyone from a blast of radiation?" bellamy asks trying to push my mind a little further hoping I might find an answer like I always do when he tries. I sigh and sit on the bed my head in my hands "we don't" I look to him" hey you'll figure it out we will" he sits next to me putting his and on my leg and kissing my head


Im standing in the medical bay talking to lexa and kyko about our new patient when Renay busted in the medic door with Lara slung around her shoulder nearly out of consciousness "Clarke I dont care about rations you need to save her" Renay says "here put her up here" I say motioning to an empty bed "what happened" lexa demands to know "I don't know we were swimming and the I seen them on her legs and we left we got out of the water and I brought her here they weren't there when we started swimming and she'd been In the water a lot longer before me" "ok Im going to need you to pass me that bottle of morphine and that syringe" I say pointing to them on the table I take the syringe from her and sterilize it with alcohol. Then she hands me the bottle I try to stick the needle into the bottle but I cant keep my hands still a pair of hands take mine and they take the bottle from me "I do have medical training to Clarke"Renay gives a faint smiles as she pulls the end of the syringe and liquid fills it. I nod "ok you need to fine a vein." I take lexas hand she is stroking laras wet tangled hair. Renay soon fines a vein and the liquid goes into laras veins "will this help her" lexa asks her voice shaking in desperation. I give her a pained look "its only a pain killer it ARS its what everyone else has been getting" "but Luna fought it I didnt get it why is she?" "shes not a nightblood" "no but her blood isn't normal either" "what do you mean isnt normal?" "we call them dawnbleedas/dawnbloods"

hey guys ok so sorry about the confusion my laptop wattpad isn't working right so I had to fix a few things hope you liked thing chapter and omg this weeks ep was amazing cant wait for next weeks looks even better ok bye


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