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Lara's pov

After a few minutes clarke,octavia and bellamy come in "hey" I say "hi I'm clarke" "so I've heard. im lara" I smile she nods and raises her eyebrows "ok so what happened" clarke walks over "well...ugh.." I can tell renay doesn't want to tell her "a group of kids our age happened" "ark kids? They know that they could be locked up for that" "it's not the ark clarke this is the ground" I say and look back at renay "yeah" she says "I think the grounds much worse then the ark" bellamy comments. I look up at him and raise an eyebrow "from what I heard that's far from true" "oh its as true  as clarke getting flustered when lexa looks her way" a tall skinny boy with brown hair walks in carrying a box of things says  "shut up jasper" clarke scolds him and I can't help but laugh as does renay and octavia and bellamy smiles a bit then clarke rolls her eyes and starts checking renay.

A few moments later she say "ok you seem to be ok but you will need stitches over your eyebrow. Renay nods with fear in her eyes "it's ok" I say quietly putting my hand on her leg and give her a reassuring smile. "You guys can leave I need to focus" clarke gives me a nod and a smile and I do the same. I give one last look to renay and walk out. Octavia puts hand on my back we walk one way and bell walks another "hasn't it been a month" I ask her   "yeah we've talked here and there but it's more important that we see raven she wants to meet you" Octavia smiles and gets giddy "raven?" I know of her but not much and I also don't know why she wants to meet me "my bestfriend she's a machine we're trying to see if we can stop the melt down"     "melt down?"  "Oh you don't know.....The nuclear power plants are melting down--" "the world's ending" I sigh   "how'd you know what that ment"     "I found a book shop there where history books fact book and science it had all kinds of stuff like that"          "oh...oh did you happen to find ancient roman mythology my mother would read that to bellamy and I we loved it" she smiles "yeah actually I think I saw a section on that I can take to it its not really that far from here"  "really?" Octavia opens the door and we walk in "yeah" I tell her before turning my addition to raven "hi I'm raven" she smiles and hugs me "I'm lara" I smile hugging her. "So good to meet you"  I can here her smile "you too" I smile we pull away then reven and octavia share a look one I can't read. "So did you do that thing?"  Octavia asks "oh yeah but I really don't like going behind your brothers back " raven exclaims "it's not going behind my brothers back it's helping me sneek in and out" "something your brother doesn't want"   "well he's not my keeper" "ok well the electric fences will go off at 10 you have 5 minutes till they go back on then at 1 am they'll go off for 10 minutes my advice be back by then other wise you'll have to go through the gates" Octavia nods "and if I'm back before 1 "she questions "signal me or tell me before you go and I'll try to get down and shut it of manually "   "alright thanks"

Ravens pov

"So anyways--" I start but am cut off by bellamy running in the door with Miller "lexa and some other grounders are here" bellamy says and looks at me "is indra with them" Miller nods "who--" "that's lara lincoln and lexa's sister" Octavia cuts him off the confusion on his face says it all and he looks at lara then to bellamy "it's a long story " he replies  "what's so bad about lexa being here?" Lara asks "well didn't you say you weren't aloud to leave Luna's that lexa made everyone say quiet about you if she knows your here what will happen ?" Bellamy questions "notthing she's my sister" lara walks past miller and bellamy and out the door. Bellamy trys to go after her thinking he pissed her off but I stop him "it's ok" I look up at him "she's right lexa's not that bad" I add he nods

Clarkes pov

"Open the gates" I hear from outside still in medical with renay I look out the window to see who it could be and to my surprise lexa and group of grounders including indra,nyko,roan and 3 guards walk through the gates "ok your all done be careful from now on ok" I tell her "yeah thanks clarke " renay runs out and past the grounders back to her tent I presume. I see lexa telling the guards something then they all split up.

Lexa's pov

I tell my guards to leave me after they all go of I see abby and go over to her "abby" I greet "lexa" she also greets "how can I help you" she asks "have you seen clarke?" She smiles "she's in medical" abby points me in the direction "thank you" I nod as does abby and we part ways. I see clarke come out and run to me.
as soon as she reaches me she pulls me into her embrace I wrap my arms around her waist and she has hers around my neck "ive missed you" I smile she says notthing only hugs me tighter     "I'm never leaving you alone for a full month again" she crys we pull apart and she has tears running down her face she wipes them
Away and she smiles at the ground "hey" I bring her head up and kiss her. When we pull apart my hands are on clarkes waist and her arms are loosely around mine,we both smile and rest foreheads together.

"Lexa?" I hear a voice call a voice that I know all to well a voice i've missed dearly. Clarke and I turn at the same time I cover my mouth with my hands and look at my baby sister in aw tears form in both of our eyes as she runs towards me. I pull her into my embrace and pick her up slightly. She wraps her arms around my neck and mine are hugging her waist tightly I shut my eyes not wanting to let go. After a while we let go of each other and clarke puts her hand on my back and smiles at me. "How long have you been here" I ask not even caring about the fact she disobeyed my orders to stay with luna "about 30 minutes" she giggles. Seconds later I see lincoln across the camp being commander is to be alone or so I was tought. Lincoln and I have never had a sisterly brotherly relationship like lara and him I do care about him but I don't show it often. He nods at me and goes on his way. I shake it of like it's nothing it doesn't hurt me as much as it hurts lara though.  having the two people she loves in this world show no love to each other and putting kill orders on each other hurts her, but lincoln doesn't know that and it took me long enough to find out. "I should go I kinda stormed out on bellamy,raven,octavia and Miller there" lara smiles and runs off

Lincoln's pov

Seeing lexa made me want to go over and hug her I love my sisters but she is the commander she can't afford to have anymore  weaknesses. I go out of sight behind the camp and just slid down the wall I put my hands in my head and try to focus on everything.

Ok im going to leave it there
I'm sorry about how long it took but really what made me
Want to finish this chapter was someone adding to there reading list but I will try more I don't think everyday will be easy but maybe every week idk

But please show your love and support my commenting and voting Bye for now
Xoxo MMG

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