page 18 thorns of ice

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Leearas pov

"Thronanakru" he said and turned to walk out. A panic. Panic is the only thing l know what to do I don't know much of the clan only what I was told by lexa Indra tutus and Lincoln and you'd think hear a story from 4 people things would change a bit or sound different but no it was the same story. 'Guess this is my chance to know the truth' I think to myself but then remember something lexa told me and one of the only things indra ever asked of me to promise "if you ever see warriors with ivy arrows or soaked swords you run don't fight don't talk and most importantly make sure they don't see you bleed" "I'm sorry Indra" I whispers and take of after him I notice my weapons are all where I left them except my sword. I press myself against the wall sliding down the hall. In the distance there is even more fire light as I reach the light I still hiding at the wall look around to see the boy looked more manly and well built his grey shirt it him loosely. He seemed to be washing his hands I creep up behind him and hold my knife at his neck "you have bad trust issues don't you" he says staying still "if you were in my situation you would to" "actually I'd trust you if you didn't kill me when I was out cold and left me with all my weapons and saved my life" "I can take care of myself" "really he turns around that's not it looked like when you were out cold surrounded by warriors from my clan who were plotting you death" "what? It was only you in those woods" " no I came later"  I put my knife away.

And kneel down beside him brushing blood his cheek with my thumb "you killed them?" "Yeah" "why?" I shake my head "I wasn't going to let them kill you" "why? why would you care?" "I'll tell you this no one should be caught up in a war from the past" "what? I've never even met anyone from you clan let alone be in a war with them" I tell him "you really don't know do you?" he looks at me with chocolate brown eyes of wonder "know what?" he sighs "sit down princess there's something your big sisters been keeping from you"

Octavia third person

as Lincoln and Octavia walk back to polis having no idea of what hell they were about to walk into as they walk into the center of the city ayia runs up to them as other solders run in all different directions "you sister needs you now and your brothers worried sick" she quickly says and runs of again to join the older warriors before they had time to ask questions they look at each other Octavia takes his hand intertwining their fingers and Lincoln takes her to the tower.

Lincoln and Octavia burst in the throne room "what's happening?" Lincoln demands "o'" bellamy runs to her she lets go of Lincoln and meets her brother half way almost jumping into his arms and Clarke comes over to examine her "I'm fine" she insists "we're preparing thronanakru are back and Leeara's out there" lexa explains "thronanakru? you let her leave when thronanakru is out there" "we didn't know" "lexa she's could be dead" Lincoln yells a side of him Octavia had never seen and she'd seen him in war. "I know that" lexa yells back "do even care" "of course I care she's my sister too" "really? maybe if you hadn't drove her away so much when Costia died shed still be a kid" lexa goes silent fighting back everything not to hit him "all I know is is that our little sister is out there with an enemy that she knows nearly nothing about now Lara can fight but one scratch from a sword or arrow and she's as good as dead now you can work with me or against me but I am finding her" she turns around and walks out on to the balcony. he shakes his head and walks out down the hall. Octavia looks at her brother and follows her lover out of the tower she finds him punching a wall by his side "Lincoln" she gasps but he doesn't respond. she rushes by his side trying to stop him "Lincoln stop, stop it" she manages to pin his arms back he bangs his head against the other wall giving up and letting all the tears flood out Octavia stops hers and swallows a lump in her throat afraid to let go of his arms but she does "she's my sister and she could be dying alone in the woods" "hey she's not dying she's smart, skilled and fast she'll be ok as soon as she knows somethings wrong she'll be back" "its not just that...she's only turned 15 I wasn't there I raised her I failed her" "hey you didn't fail her" "I let her go to war when she was eleven she killed someone when he was only seven and I tried I tried to keep her from doing what I had to do and I failed what if I fail my own child" "listen to me you did not fail her and you will not fail him/her either" she puts his hand on her stomach "Lara went to avenge a sister I don't think anyone could stop her and you can't protect her from the world and you can't blame yourself for her choices"

Leearas pov

"wha-why wouldn't my sister why would you tell me if your from the very clan that wiped out my kind" "because I want you to trust me and telling you the truth is one step to it" he walks back to the cauldron of water again still trying to wash my blood of his hands "I'm not like my people you were an innocent baby and they were going to kill you" I walk over pick up a piece of cloth and soak it in the water "sit down" I sigh he sits on the chair I was once on and I sit on the one he was. I take his closed hands in mine and open them to see slashes so deep they'd probably need stiches my mouth drops slightly and I look up at him I scan his eyes and he mine "um" I look anywhere else then back you'll need a bandage do you have any?" "um yeah in the cabinet second self" he points to the small cabinet across the room. I walk over opening the door to see paint supplies paintings books bottles some empty most full then bandages stich needles and scissors. I take out one roll of the shorter bandage and bring it over. I trace over the blood watching it disappear then wrapping the bandage over his cut around his wrist and over his thumb then tying the loose ends together I look up into his eyes again "so you like to draw?" I raise my eyebrow and smirk he blushes looking at the ground "a guilty pleasure" "there's nothing wrong with being an artiest" he smiles "in my clan we don't really in courage it" "well I seen a drawing in there and in was beautiful" I smile "thank what about you any hidden talent" "um I uh I draw too my brother thought me" I stutter "is that it?" "yes unless you want to know the other one in that cases I'd have to kill you" I laugh gaining a smile "so there is another one?" "no" I glare at him playfully "wow didn't find you to be very smilley" "well you gained my trust" "i knew telling you the truth would gain trust" " actually no its the drawings I still don't like you" I smirk. he smiles widely shaking his head laughing slightly, "well anyways considering you can walk you should be able to go back now" his smile fades as does mine "what about you, you killed your own people surly you'll be punished" "i'll be fine" then all of a sudden voices can be heard from outside. he looks around worried "my guards" I say "if they see me here--" "shhh" he puts his hand over my mouth and a yell from above keeps her from fighting him "thronanakru" "kill the trikru guards and find the girl" an order from an unfamiliar voice yells back.

leeara third person

screams of pain ring out through her ears she tries to break free 'let me go let me help them' she wants to scream at him "shh stop stop" he whispers pleading "they'll hear you they want you don't let them die for nothing" she calms again and everything above them goes silent "where's the prince" a deep cruel cutting voice yells in the silence "I'll get him Gideon" and lara can feel the boys heart race he quickly takes his hand away and turns her to face him "do exactly what I say or die" he leads her to the cabinet and pushes it to the side to show a small door with a ring handle he pulls it open "get in there ok keep going its a straight line keep going until you see light then climb up you'll be somewhere between polis and where I found you" "and my horse?" "is she well trained?" her eyebrows frown with a look of confusion "yeah" "well then she'll find a way back" he smirks "don't get caught ok?" he closes the small passage door without giving Lara a chance to say thank you and she's left in the darkness of the tunnel she waits until she hears the cabinet slide back into its place then she starts crawling through the dark tunnel.

Ayia's pov

The guards and I patrol the woods looking for leeara or Azgada "split up you three with me" I indicate to the two trikru and the glow forest warrior and we spilt from the group "(inT) I cant believe we take orders from a fifteen year old child" "well if you have a problem I'm sure the commander would be fine sorting that out" "just because you are the princesses best friend doesn't make you untouchable" I stop "is that a threat?" I tilt my head (inE)"what do you think poppy" "i think that you need to remember who kicked you ass in training not that long ago" he rolls his eyes and I let go of him "Ayia" Lara appears into sight running out of breath nearly stumbling "Lee" I put my sword away and meet her half way and she falls into my arms breathing heavily "Lara you hurt" I exclaim "I'm fine" she breathes out in pain 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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