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Lara’s pov

I wake up in a cold sweat “it’s just a dream” I tell my self “it’s just a dream” “it’s just a....” I stop looking at my door it’s open I slowly get out of bed taking the knife from my beside locker “hello?” I answer. I walk to the door pressing my back up against the wall grasping my knife tighter edging to the door slowly. I peak my head out the frame looking up and down the dark Hall Notting. I take a deep breath and leave my room walking down the hall as I walk down the hall doors disappear I keep walk until I hear a crunching sound looking down I see no longer the floor of the hall the ground outside leafs and twigs. I turn around to see no Hall no rooms just the woods. Confused and panicked I walk faster turning around looking for something but all I see is woods I turn once more and see a burning village. I frown my eyebrows (idk how to say that really) looking closer a woman walks out of the flames burns everywhere approaches me she be gains shaking me “she’s here she’s here here here here” she shakes me violently “she burnt us all” the woman squeezes me tightly her nail dig deep into my arms I feel war liquid begin to flow down my arms. I scream while she shakes me breaking free of her hold I run the other way she follows me screaming she caches up with me tackling me to the ground “you” anger fills her voice “you killed us” I scream again getting her of me and running of again tears stream down my eyes out of no where all I hear are screams and cries but I can’t hear where’s in my head...the words play over and over again in my head “you killed us all” “ai gonplei ste odon” “yu gonplei ste odon”
“you killed us all” “ai gonplei ste odon” “yu gonplei ste odon” “you killed us all” “ai gonplei ste odon” “yu gonplei ste odon”. I fall on my knees and cover my ears “go away” I cry. The words keep getting louder over lapping each other I finally scream as loud as I can.

I jolt awake screaming gasping for air tears pour from my eyes like a waterfall. I look around....I’m in the woods the exact stop I was in my dream “leeara?” I hear Lexa’s voice call I see her appear at the top of a hill “lexa” I panic unable to breath she runs to my side immediately putting her hands on either side of my face “shhhh sh shh it’s ok it’s ok your okay” her voice is soft and sweet which soothes me into a came tired state She Pulls Me into Her chest hugging Me tightly “Your okay” She Whispers  “she’s here I’ve got her” she yells then kisses my head. I watch as bellamy , raven , Lincoln, Octavia , Clarke , Murphy and four guards come over the hill

Clarke runs over with a med kit “are you OK? Any injuries?”  “ugh no? No no I’m fine” I say “oh my god what happened to your arms you not ok” lexa exclaims moving her hands “what nothing...” I look down by now everyone is around us “how? No” I get up running in the direction of the village to the woman “lara” lexa calls after me I look all around for the woman but she no where to be seen nor is the village “then how?...” I question “Lara” lexa breathes catching up to me “what the hell is going on” “I don’t know” I look around “no it should be here it should be right here” I breath “what should be here” she asks “there was a village here a burning village then a woman she was shaking me ugh she dug her nails into my arms she said she’s...ugh....she’s here she burnt us then I ran from her she followed be she caught me and told me it was me that I kill them all then I got away...lexa she was right her” I plead for her to believe me “it’s OK it was probably just dream and you could have just hurt your self out here....and what where you doing out here on your own?” she asks “i...i dont know I walked out of my room down the hall and ended up out here”  “ok come on let’s get you home” I nod she puts her arm around me as we walk back to the group. “find what your looking for princess?” Murphy asks “no” is all I say to exhausted to fight back “let’s go” lexa says and everyone gets up to go.

Lexa’s pov

Half way through the walk home Lara is up with Lincoln,raevn and Octavia bellamy and I at the back “thank you for coming out here to help me find her it means alot” “of course a 14 year old shouldn’t be out here at night not on her own...did she tell you what she was out here for?” he asks “ but something tells me she didn’t realise she was out here” “what? How can you not realise you’ve been out it the cold woods all night with only a dress on?” “I don’t know...when I found her she was on the floor Notting around her to push her down she was screaming at Notting that’s not Lara” “so maybe she was sleep walking?” “maybe but still Lara doesn’t do that and then she went on about this dream about a burning village and a woman apparently that’s how she got those cuts on her arms” “wait no that makes sense I seen them five on each arm the same place and the last ones go around the back like thumbs” “to precise to be from anything else” “so maybe she wasn’t out here alone”

*time jump*
30 minutes later bellamy Clarke Lincoln and I are sitting in Lara’s room trying to figure out what happened “so a woman covered in burns grabbed and started digging her nails into you?” Clarke asks cleaning the wound “yeah but it was a dream there was no village or woman right?” “ well maybe sometimes the mind can play tricks one you when you had a little to much to drink” Clarke jokes “i didn’t drink much I had what 3 sips of moonshine” “ok” she says. A guard walks into the room “excuse me heda “ he begins to whisper things to me “are you sure?” I ask “pretty sure heda” “bring her to medical I want to speak with her after” “and the village” “we will talk about that later” he nods and leaves. “lara the scouts just came back they found a woman laying on the ground covered in burns not far from her body they found a village burnt to the ground” “what but it was a dream how did I even get out there? Is she alive ?” “yes they are taking her to medical now we can speak with her later for now you should sleep” “ but the village” “we’ll deal with that you need rest” I kiss her head everyone leaves I’m about to but stops me “lexa was I dreaming?”  she asks “i don’t think so” “do you think I set the fire” “no why would you do that?” “what if I didn’t know what I was doing?” “lara I don’t think you did it how could you have you were out there  with a knife and Notting else” “what knife?” she asks “ugh your gold and blue one with the golden deer”  “that’s the one I picked up in the dream” “just get some rest” she nods laying down I leave the room closing the door then head down talk with the woman .

Laras pov
I get out of bed a while after lexa leaves. I walk down to the medic area trying to find the burnt woman “can I help you triheda?” a woman asks “um yes a woman with burns was brought here which room would she be in?” I ask “oh yes she’s in room 10” “thank you” I hurry of I peak my head in the door the woman is talking to lexa rambling on about things two guards also stand put next to lexa and the bed “lara what are you doing here didn’t lexa tell you to rest” clarke says approaching me “I’m fine I don’t need rest I need to talk to that woman about last night” “what is there to talk about?” “how the hell I got out into the woods….I think I could have set the fire but if not she knows who did” I tell her “look you need your rest lexa will find out-“”no I need to find out the truth” “and you will once you rest” “I’m fine” I protest then walk into the room lexa and the woman are talking calmly when the woman draws her attention to me white blond patches of hair still on her hair stick up out and down she doesn’t seem to be in pain although her flesh is burnt black and red “oh tirheda “ she smiles I look at lexa raising and eyebrow “she says she doesn’t feel any pain” lexa tries to clear up my confusion “okay…”  “Clarke what did you give her?” “Notting she insisted she was ok” Clarke who was now in the room answered. I look at the woman suspiciously “oh what happened to your arms?” she asks I look down at my arms for a second then look to her “I was hoping you could tell me that” I give her a look saying ‘I think you know’ she freezes she doesn’t move or blink for a good 15 seconds “I remember. …allies back she burned us she burned us all” she starts screaming in pain and fear. Clarke slightly pushes me out of the way to help the woman already the guards are drawing Their swords (inT) “put them away” I order “Clarke what’s happening?” lexa asks alarmed “she needs something to numb the pain” I run over to a table with medic supplies “ugh reaper stick?” I ask “ “that’ll work for now pass it here” she works quickly stabbing the stick into the woman’s neck she slowly claims down and falls into  deep sleep “what the hell was that” I ask “a.l.l.i.e” Clarke looks at lexa and lexa looks back at her “but you pulled the kill switch” “then how is she still controlling people?” “she’s not she’s using the last of her strength to shelter her self under people’s bodies fighting a battle soon to be lost” I look at lexa “the last warrior” lexa looks to me knowing exactly what I am thinking

Ok guys hoped you liked that chapter if you did please vote and I know this was is even shorter next one will have everyone else to
And what do you think lexa and Lara are talking about??
How did lara end up in the forest?
Is allie back?
Tell me what you think in the comments

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