Chapter 1

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"Abby you have to go!"

Jess's voice was firm, insistent, yet petrified.

She knew how bad of a situation I was in, and we would both be dead if they caught me here.

"How many are there?" I asked as she had her ear pressed to the wood of her apartment door.

"Two in the hall."

I nodded.

Shoving the magazine of bullets into the base of the grip of my small, black, semi-automatic, I cocked the gun and took off the safety, ready to fire if I needed to.

"Abby you don't have much time to get to Dawson before they find you." Jess warned from the door.

Her natural red hair was illuminated by the lamp light and her freckled face and green eyes looked worried, more so than usual.

Slinging a back pack over my shoulders, I put up the hood of my black hoodie before rushing over to hug Jessica. She had been my my only true friend (that was a girl) for the past 14 years of my life.

"Let me know when you're safe."

"I will I promise." I whispered before I heard a thump down the hall and let her go to dash to the window.

I opened it and slipped onto the fire escape before Jess came by and closed it behind me, locking it and closing the curtain, moving a vase of flowers in front of it to make it look like it had never been opened.

The New York City streets were noisy which helped me as I scaled my way down the buildings fire escapes until I reached the second floor and had to drop down.

Once I hit the pavement I glanced at my dark surroundings before darting into an alleyway on the side of Jess's apartment building.

This building, hell this whole neighbourhood belonged to The Black Wolves, and I needed to get out now.

The Black Wolves were the biggest gang in New York, if not the biggest gang in the country. They were violent, intimidating, ruthless, and not afraid of anything, and I was in the centre of their home.

These people were the last people you ever wanted to come into contact with.

You would think to call the police of you saw one but to your luck the police officer who would show up would be a Black Wolf and probably kill you for being a snitch, a mistake I had seen happen far too often in my almost fifteen years of knowing about The Black Wolves.

Suddenly I heard a noise that sounded like something hitting metal and I ducked behind a dumpster, my heart hammering in my chest and my blood pumping wildly through my veins.

Another noise was heard until a movement out of the corner of my eye caused me to turn and aim my gun at whoever was there, but I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw it was just a pigeon.

"Damn bird." I muttered. I had almost wasted one of my rounds on that dirty ball of feathers.

"There she is!" I suddenly heard a man shout and I looked to my left to see two members of The Black Wolves running towards me.

Immediately I was up and running for my damn life. I skidded out of the alley and onto another pedestrian filled street.

I pushed my way through the already temperamental New Yorkers and down the sidewalk one block before skidding into another alley.

I had to lose their trail, I had to get to Dawson, my only other friend.

When I got to the next alley I crouched down behind another dumpster and yanked the burner phone out of my hoodie pocket that I had stashed my gun in before I ran out into the streets and got myself on national television.

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now