Chapter 17

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That's the only way I was able to describe my next day.

The station was filled with new officers and I was in charge of getting them settled and making sure they had everything they needed.

I would pass by Calum occasionally but he only
nodded in acknowledgement at me.

I wasn't able to go in to the corner store because I was too busy at the station setting up the welcome luncheon in the meeting room and fighting off Luke from stealing cookies.

"So how's Calum?" I asked Luke as he leaned against a counter.

"I don't know honestly, he's not talking much to me either."

"Do you think he is second guessing things?"

"If I knew I would tell you." Luke sighed.

Calum texted me later that day to say his parents had the boys this week and so I didn't need to babysit, and so like I had the rest of the week, I went home alone.

Sunday was my day off and I was able to relax and catch up on sleep, and then Monday I was back at work.

I was supposed to take my car to the mechanic today to get my tire looked at, and so when Calum walked in for lunch I kissed him on the cheek and then pulled him aside.

"Hey, so I have to go to the mechanic today, but I was wondering if after you maybe wanted to grab dinner?"

I tucked my hair behind my ear and placed one hand on his arm as I spoke, trying to make myself seem more adorable to entice him.

"I have a lot to do at the station but we'll see."

I didn't even try to hide my annoyance and walked away from him.

Kate glanced awkwardly between us the entire time and Calum told me goodbye before he left.

"He's so aggravating." I groaned, complaining to Kate.

"If he's still like this tomorrow i'm going to knock some sense into his head." She shook her fist in the air.

I laughed and then hugged her before going out to my car so I could drive to the mechanic.

It was a ways away, an hour away in fact, and I didn't know where I was going, so I was using printed out directions and began my trek to the mechanic.

I was driving along a farm to market road in what seemed the middle of nowhere when suddenly I heard a loud popping noise.

I screamed out of surprise and swerved my car, feeling my back tire bump around and I looked in my rear view mirror to see it was gone.

Immediately I pulled over.

I jumped out of my car and looked to see that my back tire had exploded, and I didn't know how to change a tire. And besides, my rim was bent so bad it probably wouldn't work.

I whined and then went to grab my phone.

I sat in my car and dialed Calum's number.

"Yeah." He answered.

"Hey my car broke down, I need you to come get me."

"Okay; i'll leave when I can. Probably like thirty minutes. Bye."

"Wait Ca-" I tried to say but he had already hung up.

He didn't even know where I was.

I called again and he answered.


"Calum you don't even know where I am!"

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now