Chapter 18

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Calum's PoV:

I watched as Nessa stormed away from me, her brown hair whipping behind her.

"You fucked up man. That was messed up." Ashton glared at me before walking out, following her.

"What did I do?" I turned and asked Luke.

"Well for starters you've been an asshole to Nessa this past week, and she said something about her car breaking down.

The light bulb went off in my head as I remembered.

"Oh shit."

"What?" Luke asked.

"Nessa called me yesterday and said her car broke down but I was busy training and I blew her off."

She had been wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Had she been on the side of the road over night? Oh God she had.

"Well way to go."

"Look, i'll see her at lunch and apologize." I said and Luke shook his head.

When lunch came around I paced over to the Corner Store where Kate was alone behind the counter. She looked pissed.

"Where's Nessa?" I asked her.

"At home. She took a day off."

"Look Kate, I already have her pissed at me, I don't need you too." I said but was surprised by her hand flying out and slapping my cheek.

"Ow!" I held my hand up to my face.

"You deserve a lot more than that for what you did to her!" Kate yelled at me.

"I forgot! I'm sorry! I'm going to apologize!"

"You forgot about her?! She's your girlfriend! You should've been out the door the moment she called and said she was broken down! She had no food, no water, no gas, no car, and had to sleep on the side of the road until Ashton luckily found her! What you did was awful!"

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed.

"She's done so much for you Calum! So much! I thought you were going to be happy with her, but you screwed it all up!"

"I'm leaving, and i'm going to tell her i'm sorry." I seethed and turned to walk away.

"That won't be enough." She said and I stopped.

"What do you mean that won't be enough?"

"You've been ignoring her and pushing her away ever since you had dinner with Meredith's parents. I know they don't like Nessa, but who the hell cares, it's not like they ever cared when you were married to their daughter. Don't treat Nessa like you treated Meredith."

I exhaled.

I was so angry. But I was so angry at myself. I was the one who had pushed Nessa away, and began to treat her like I had treated Meredith, but she wasn't Meredith...she was Nessa.

The Nessa who hadn't done anything wrong to me. The Nessa who cared about me and held me and kissed me like no woman ever had before.

When I looked back on this week I honestly don't know why she hadn't left me sooner.

"I'm leaving now." I said and walked out.

I made my way back to the station and got in my car before driving to Nessa's house.

Her broken down car was sitting in her driveway, and I felt so guilty as I walked past it and up to her porch.

I knocked on the door and waited but there was no answer and so I knocked again.

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now