Chapter 45

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In the morning my dad and I had breakfast at the house before I drove him around town, showing him what Dahlonega had to offer, which wasn't much.

I showed him the town square where I worked, and took him in to meet Kate, and also I drove him by the police station and fire station before we stopped off for lunch.

That evening we were having dinner with Calum and my dad was ready to get to know Calum better.

I was excited for my dad to meet Eli and Cade too, and as we walked up Calum's driveway that evening I was smiling so wide.

When we got to the door I knocked a couple times before walking inside.

"We're here!" I called out and two sets of footsteps pounded through the house.

"Momma!" Eli shouted at the top of his lungs and I laughed as I bent down to catch him.

"Hey baby." I kissed his cheek.

"You didn't spend the night last night." He poked out his bottom lip.

"I know. I will soon though."

I let go of Eli and moved back, my dad standing behind me.

"Eli, this is my dad." I introduced them.

Eli gave him a wave.

"Dad, this is Eli. He is Calum's oldest son."

"It's nice to meet you Eli." My father reached out his hand for Eli to shake and Eli did.

I then heard the patter of little feet and looked up to see Cade running into the living room from his room.

Calum walked in from behind him and I figured he had probably been changing Cade's diaper.

"And there's my little Cade!" I grinned as the toddler ran up to me and I caught him in a hug, lifting him up and kissing his cheek.

He hugged my neck and gave me a kiss.

"Nwessa." He giggled as I rubbed my nose against his.

"Hi, Cade." I laughed. "And this is his other son Cade." I smiled at my dad who waved at Cade, the little boy wiggling in my arms.

I set him down and Calum walked up to me, a smile on his face.

"Hey, baby." He said and I stretched up on my tip toes to kiss him.

"Hi." I smiled. "How was your day?"

"Good. How was yours?"


Calum then let me go so he could shake my fathers hand.

"Hello, Mr. Rothchester."

"Hey there, Calum." My dad smiled.

"You can make yourself at home." Calum said.

"Thank you."

"I think I have a couple beers in the fridge if you'd like one." They both began to walk toward the kitchen.

"Ah that sounds great."

It was at this moment I realised I was outnumbered. I was the only female here.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked Calum as I went to get a glass of water.

"Chicken and vegetables." He said, popping the tops on the beer for him and my dad.

"So did anything exciting happen today?" I asked him.

"Well we caught a guy trying to steal license plates off of cars in a body shop, then some lady drove her car into a mailbox and Luke and I came up with a few new speed trap ideas."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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