Chapter 26

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"You ready to get that cast off?!"

The shouting of my boyfriend made me open my eyes to see Calum walking around the bedroom, looking for clothes.

"Why are you yelling?" I whined.

"Because you get your cast off today! Get excited, Nessa!" He grinned before dancing goofily over to me making me laugh.

"You're so weird." I laughed at his awful dance moves.

"I know. Now come on. I have coffee ready for you."

I smiled as he kissed me good morning and then let him lift me into my wheelchair and take me to the kitchen.

The past two weeks had gone by quickly yet slowly all at the same time.

Each day was spent by Calum and I watching movies or just talking about life in general.

His parents would bring Eli and Cade around every once in a while to see us and I could tell Calum was missing them.

The insurance company had given me my new car and a date had been set for Calum and I to testify in court.

But today I was getting my cast off and going to work.

After coffee and Calum eating his breakfast we got ready and then he placed me in the car, driving to the doctors office.

Once there I was taken to a room to wait, sitting on the bed.

"I wonder what it's going to feel like." I said.

"Like how it did before you had the cast." Calum shrugged.

"Shut up. You know what I meant."

He laughed at this.

The door opened and Dr. Harrison walked in.

"Well, Nessa. You ready to get this cast off?" He smiled.

"Yes, sir." I grinned.

He got out the saw and began to cut off the cast, the buzzing noise making me squeeze my eyes shut but a few minutes later it was off and I opened my eyes to see my leg.

A long scar went up the inner side of my leg and there were a few across my shin.

"There's some cream we can get you to help with the scarring, but it looks nice. Now we can take some x-rays and then put you in a brace and on some crutches." Dr. Harrison said as he inspected my leg.

Calum was taking my picture with his phone, smiling away. I think he was happier for me than I was.

After x-rays I was taken back to the room where Calum was waiting.

"So how does it feel?" He asked.

"Good. I feel free." I smiled.

"You look happy."

"I am." I kissed him.

Soon Dr. Harrison came back with my x-rays and put them on the board to look.

"Very nice. Your bones are set and healing. Now we need to get this brace on you."

He showed me how to put on the brace and told me to wear it all day but I could take it off at night.

I was on crutches but he wanted me to walk for five minutes today without them and then increase by five every day.

He also gave me the number for the physical therapist so I could start regaining strength in my leg.

Calum and I left the hospital and I giddily smiled as I sat in the front seat normally.

"So I say we go to the station and see about getting back to work." He said.

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now