Chapter 30

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Calum and I spent our Saturday sleeping in and being lazy.

He let me look through his old yearbooks which made me giggle at young Calum and his goofy haircuts.

He then threatened to go to my place to get my yearbooks but I told him I didn't have them to which he didn't believe.

Calum didn't understand why I wouldn't bring them with me when I moved but I just shrugged my shoulders.

We had one more day to wait until the birth control was in my system, so Saturday night we watched comedy movies in order to distract us from our plans to get it on the next night, but by his wandering hands I could tell he was thinking about it.

On Sunday morning I went with Calum to run errands.

He needed groceries and some clothes for Eli and Cade.

I had fun picking out outfits for them and Calum just shook his head and let me go for it, watching me shop for his kids.

Finally we left the store and went home to take a nap together before making dinner.

He'd bought us a bottle of red wine and we sipped on it while cooking and eating dinner, then brought the bottle with us to the sofa.

"So tell me about your last relationship." Calum said as we kicked back.

"Hmm, okay well his name was Justin. He was a nice guy and all but the sex was awful and he lived with his mother, so..."

Calum burst into laughter at this.

"And now you're with a single dad who hasn't had sex in two years."

"Yes, but you've had good reason."

He pulled me over into his arms and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm glad it's you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that i'm glad it's you that I get to become a man again with."

"You're a man now, Calum. Just one who has gone through a really long dry spell."

"Well i'm ready to change that. Are you?"

"I am." I nodded.

He smiled as he took my glass of wine from me and set it on the side table next to him before pulling me into his lap.

"Good." He whispered before pressing his lips against mine.

I tangled my hands in his hair as I straddled him, Calum's hands massaging my waist.

As we made out he pulled my waist down so I could roll my hips against his.

We both kissed even harder at this and I could feel him getting excited against my thigh.

I gasped into his mouth as he grasped my ass in his hands and I pressed into him harder. He groaned at this and I could feel my heart beating even faster in my chest.

"Bedroom." I managed to get out between forceful kisses and he moaned in agreement before standing up.

My legs were wrapped around his waist as he walked us to his bedroom, laying me down on his bed.

He broke our kiss to stand up and remove his shirt, showing off his toned and muscled chest.

I sat up and began to kiss the tan skin, Calum's hands coming underneath my shirt, and that's when I realised what was different. Normally when he touched me I could feel the coolness of his wedding ring, but I didn't feel it.

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now