Chapter 21

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New York was nice, and I was happy to be back, but after my phone call with Calum all I could think about was talking with him.

"Nessa just go back." Dawson said after I had spent ten minutes of his life ranting to him.

"I know."

"Then go. You need to get closure on this."

I knew I could stay here forever, and The Black Wolves would be returning soon, so I did what Dawson said, and took the first flight back to Atlanta.

From the airport I took a cab to my house in Dahlonega, arriving at around ten at night.

I was tired, and went to get some sleep because I had to be at work the next morning.

When my alarm went off I got out of bed and took a shower, straightening my hair and dressing in shorts and a nice, long sleeved,  rose light pink shirt.

My car was still broken so I had to ride my bike to the police station.

I leaned it against the back brick wall outside in the back parking lot before walking inside.

When I got to my desk I turned on my computer and then groaned when I saw my full inbox and voicemail.

I started with the voicemail and began to write down the messages on sticky notes. My desk was covered in pink squares and I was starting to get a headache.

Finally once I was done I slipped into the break room for some coffee, and then went back to my desk in order to work on the emails.

The exhaustion from wallowing in my misery for the past few days was catching up with me and I took my hand off the computer mouse and then folded my arms on the desk and laid my head down.

Closing my eyes I took a breath and then relaxed.

What felt like seconds later my head shot up at the sound of my phone ringing.

I fumbled around and picked it up.

"This is Nessa." I said, trying not to yawn.

"Hey, it's time for you to head over to the corner store." I heard Calum's voice and looked at the time on my computer.

"Oh. Thanks." I said.

"No problem." His voice came out calm and polite.

I set the phone on the stand before turning off my computer and standing up. I grabbed my purse and then left the station, riding my bike the few blocks over to the corner store.

"You're back!" Kate grinned as I walked through the door.

"I am." I smiled.

"And you look awful, what happened to you did you get hit by a bus?" She frowned as I got closer.

"No i'm just exhausted." I sighed. "I fell asleep at my desk at the station and Calum called my phone to wake me up."

"So how are you and Calum?" She asked.

"He called me when I was in New York and we said we'd meet for coffee when I got back."

"Do you think you're going to get back together?"

"I think we are both going to get closure on this." I said and she nodded sadly.

I was pretty quiet the rest of the time until the door opened and I looked to see the four men walking into the store.

Calum made eye contact with me that I held for a second or two before I turned away.

Everyone could feel the tension and awkwardness in the room, including myself.

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now