Chapter 35

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Calum's PoV:

Nessa sat across from me at the table, Eli next to her and Cade next to me.

We decided (well I decided) to go out to dinner to celebrate.

Nessa seemed a little off, and I figured it was because of the court verdict, so I wanted to do everything I could to make her feel back to normal.

"So I was thinking we could all go swimming tomorrow." I said, Nessa looking up at me.

"Daddy, can we go to the pool by nanas house? That one has the slide!"

"Sure." I smiled and then looked at Nessa. "You up for it?"

"Yeah. Of course." She gave me a fake smile.

"You okay?" I asked her since the boys weren't paying attention.

"Yeah. I'm just tired."

She picked at her dinner, barely eating.

I knew that this had messed with her, but not this badly.

I decided I didn't want her to be alone tonight, so after dinner I drove us back to my place.

"Go shower." I told her when we walked through the door and sent her back to my room.

While Nessa showered I bathed Eli and Cade, and then dressed them in their pyjamas. I headed back to my room and opened the bathroom door, Nessa still in the shower, washing her hair.

"Cal, you're almost out of conditioner." She called.

"That's because you keep using mine." I said and could imagine her rolling her eyes. "You know, you could just get your own to keep here."

"But I like the smell of your shampoo."

I chuckled at this.

I was drying off my face after washing it when suddenly Eli ran into the bathroom.

"Daddy, I can't find my toothbrush."

Nessa squeaked in surprise and turned around as Eli looked her direction.

"Hey, get out!" I shooed him away and out of my bathroom, following him out and closing the door. "Nessa is showering right now,
you can't go in there."

"Is that why Momma is naked?"


"But you're in there." He pointed out and I groaned. "You see her naked? Ew!"

"Your toothbrush is in the drawer, now go!" I turned him around and sent him out of my room.

I sighed as I walked back into the bathroom, Nessa now wrapped in a towel and using my hairbrush to brush out her wet hair.

"My son just told me that seeing a naked woman was gross. He'll be saying otherwise in about ten years."

She giggled at this.

I watched Nessa carefully as we both changed into pyjamas and she braided her short hair into two braids. She stayed in bed while I went to say goodnight to Eli and Cade and then walked back in my room to get in bed with her.

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now