Chapter 33

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"Whose house do you want to go to?"

"I don't care."

Calum was driving me back from the airport, the two of us mostly silent as he drove.

I was an emotional mess and he seemed to understand that so I figured he was being quiet as to not annoy me.

But I wanted the opposite. I wanted him to tell me something good.

"Please tell me something good that happened while I was gone." I whispered.


"Tell me something good that happened while I was gone."

"Okay." He said and I shifted to the side so I could watch him. "Um... I found twenty bucks in my pocket this morning."

I snorted.

"And my mom called to say my sister is coming back soon to visit on her holiday."

"That's nice."

"So now I can introduce the two of you. She's excited to meet you."

I smiled.

"Keep talking to me."

Calum gave me a smile before taking about his day with the kids. He talked of their late rushed morning because he had forgot to set his alarm and then about his work day and now he was asleep when Dawson called him to tell him I was on my way back to Georgia.

I hadn't meant to fall asleep, but the adrenaline of the day and the darkness outside made me exhausted and I fell asleep in his car.

I was awoken by the feel of him carrying me into a house, and by the aroma of laundry soap and axe deodorant I could tell it was his house.

"She okay?" I then heard Luke's voice. He must've been watching the boys.

"Her grandma died." Calum whispered.

"That sucks. Tell her i'm sorry for her loss."

"I will. Thanks for watching the boys."

Luke left and Calum walked back to his bedroom and laid me down on the bed.

He left and I heard him set the alarm before he came back. I listened as he changed clothes and then came over to me to take off my shoes and jacket.

I was too tired to do anything so I let him and then felt him get into bed next to me, pulling the covers over us.

"Night, Ness." He kissed my cheek before putting his arm around me so we could go to sleep.

Hours later I was awoken by voices.

"But Daddy!" Eli whined.

"Nessa is tired and needs to sleep. I know you want to talk to her but she needs rest."

"But Momma is sad!"

"I know she's sad, and she's going to be sad for a while because her grandma died. I know you want to cheer her up but right now she needs to be alone."

I opened my eyes to see them standing at the door arguing.

I wiped at my nose as I pushed myself up with one arm, looking at them better.

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now