Chapter 28

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I heard the honking of Calum's car horn as I rushed around my house (which was not very rushed on crutches) as I tried to get ready.

I was in the bathroom quickly brushing blush on my cheeks when I heard the front door open.

"Ness?" Calum called.

"Sorry! I'm hurrying!" I called back and then he came walking in.

"Need help?" He asked.

"I just need to put on my shoes." I said.

"Okay. Don't rush. Take your time. Well, not too much time of course because we do have to get to work."

I rolled my eyes at him as I sat down to put on my shoes.

"Come on, we may have just enough time to go through Starbucks." He smiled as we left my house, him locking it for me before helping me get into the car.

Luke was sitting in the back.

"Do you know how embarrassing it is to ride in the backseat while he sits in the front with the passenger empty? Really embarrassing." He muttered as Calum drove away from my house.

"A cute girl was in the car next to us and laughed at me." Luke continued, Calum rolling his eyes at his best friend.

We pulled up to a red light and Calum leaned over to kiss me good morning.

"And now I get to sit here and watch you make out. Fantastic."

Calum looked away to shoot Luke a glare before kissing my nose.

"Don't be jealous." Calum said, glancing at Luke. "You'll find someone soon enough."

Luke gave Calum an ugly look before we continued driving.

After we had gotten coffee and arrived at work, my morning was spent party planning for the return of the two officers who were shot in the bank robbery.

I had a list of things I needed to get but Calum had left for patrol and as I was sitting there thinking of who to ask to help me when Alex, Captain Sutherland's son walked by.

"Alex!" I called out to him and he turned around, heading over to me with a smile.

"Hey, Nessa."

"Hey. Are you busy right now?"

"Not particularly, why?"

His lopsided grin was massive.

"I need to go shopping for the welcome back party, do you think you could go with me?"


I took my list and the two of us went out to his car, Alex driving us to the closest party supply store.

"So how much longer will you be on crutches?" Alex asked as he grabbed a cart and we began to walk down the first isle.

"Hopefully just a few more weeks." I smiled.

"That was a pretty scary accident. You probably don't remember but my dad and I visited you in the hospital. You were on a lot of pain meds."

"I've been told." I laughed. "Calum's told me all kinds of stories."

"You're coming over to dinner on Friday, right? With Calum?"

"Yeah. I'm excited. It'll be nice to get to know your dad better."

"He likes you. He always says you have a great work ethic."

As we walked down the isles I threw streamers, balloons, plates and plastic wear, and a welcome back banner.

Lightning In A Bottle // Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now