chap 9

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Grayson's POV

I was sitting on the bench at the park, waiting for Milena to come. I'm not sure whether she will be upset or happy to find out I'm Grayson Dolan.

And then... I saw a teenage girl blankly staring at me from at least ten meters away. She walked slowly towards me as I get up. Take a wild fucking guess, it's Milena.

"Gray..son.. Dolan?" she looked speechless.

"Milena?" I looked at her green eyes and noticed her blonde hair. She looked fine asf.

"Why.. why would you do this to me?"

"I'm sorry. I just thought it would be nice to surprise a fan. In fact, you're not just a fan to me.. you're one of my closest 'friends' now."

"Why would you lie to me for literally, two fucking weeks?" she kept a straight face.

"Are you upset?" I hoped she wasn't, but it seemed like she was.

"YEAH I'M FUCKING PISSED YOU LITTLE SH..hahaha," she yelled at me then started laughing. I was so confused.

"Why are you turning your mood around?"

"I can't do this fuahhah," she kept laughing until she fell on the floor, grabbing her stomach.

"UMM can you tell me why you're laughing?"

"Oh my god I'm sorry," still laughing, "I'm not actually upset. I'm just laughing at how bad I am at acting."

"Wait.. so you're pretending to be mad at me when you're not? Serious?"

"Yeah I'm so sorry, I wanted to see your reaction. But damn you DID lie to me for two weeks pretending to not be Grayson Dolan."


"Yeah lol big fan big fan. So proud to become friends with you. Where's Ethan?"

"Seriously, you came here to see me and you're asking for my brother? Ouch."

"Didn't mean it that way. If I see one Dolan then I gotta see the other Dolan."

"Hahahah oh god I love your personality. You're so real in text and in person. But Ethan's at the hotel right now. Meet him tomorrow instead?"

"Sure. I suppose you wanna spend time with me only, eh? Yeah Gray?"

"Yes, MILLY."


"That sounds like a really girly name."

She laughed and we broke down into laughing tears because we were so funny, apparently. We then walked around the park and talked even more.

I just think that that was the day I fell in love.

hehehehe they meet
I know some of you don't like reading 'non-texting chapters' because I hate them too! But they can't just text forever :(

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