chap 29

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We're now at the airport; holding hands with Ethan as I walk. And Mil is with Gray.

"I don't wanna leave," said Ethan.

"I know you don't."

We walked and eat together at the airport until we ran out of time. It was when the boarding gates opened.

I sighed, "Thanks for the amazing six days, Ethan."

"Thank you for coming into my life. Even though six days was short, I still got to meet you. What a blessing."

"This isn't a goodbye anyway. You better come back and visit," i giggled.

"I will, of course," Ethan said. "And.. thanks for forgiving me with my mistake."

I sighed, "Yeah."


"Pinky promise me, you will come back to Pittsburgh," Milena held out her pinky and latched on to it.

"Yep, I promise I will," I smiled.

"You know, it felt really quick. Few weeks."

"Yes I know."

"I can't believe we first talked over text. Like what a coincidence that Grayson Bailey Dolan accidentally texted me! Freakin Grayson Dolan, my idol! Not anyone but you... how am I born so lucky?"

"Aww. This will be my second home from now on. I will return!" I hugged her tight.

We all said our last goodbyes then Ethan and I went up the escalator to the security check. Milena and Lauren were still waving to us and it felt so warm.

At last, I got onto the airplane and texted Mil.

{ texting }
{ 5:30 pm }

I love youuu
Bye 💖

{ 5:36 pm }

come back already

I willll, someday

i am heading home with Lauren
ill see u later
text me when you land



{ texting ends }

{a/n alllrighttt guys Grayson is leaving Pittsburgh awww :(

sorry for slow updates. love all }

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