chap 33

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Ethan and I called an uber with both our suitcases in our hands. Once we got in the uber, i received a text from Milena.

It said, have a safe flight, i hope your mom is doing okay😚 miss you!

I replied to her kindly and then put my phone down.


I'm now on the airplane; six hours in, an hour more to go.

I bought plane WiFi just so i could communicate with Cameron. I texted her multiple times making sure if her and mom are okay.

{ texting w/ cam }

Cam, how's mom doing
I'm so worried
What happened to her

Call me I'll tell you everything

I'm on the plane, I can't possibly call

Oh, right
Well here's briefly what happened.
Mom and I were in a taxi, driving to the store. As soon as we got out, i heard screaming and then suddenly saw this crazy guy running out the store and around, holding a GUN..
He was on some type of drug. People were running away from him screaming. I had no idea what was about to happen and then i heard a shot... and another

No... :0

Yeah.. i turned around and mom was on the floor holding her chest.
I screamed and ran back to her then called the emergency, etc


She has a wound so near to her heart and then another on her collar bone

What is she doing right now??

Yesterday they removed the bullets and today i thinkkkk they will fix the broken chest wall

She broke her chest wall????!!!
Holy cowwww, mom 😭😭

She's in the surgery room right now
I really hope the doctors take good care of her, otherwise ..😫

Praying for her :(

Take a rest Grayson
You might not get any when you arrive here
I haven't been sleeping

Aw :/ alright
See you in three hours or so

{ texting ends }

I woke Ethan up and told him everything that Cameron said to me. He was just as shocked.

{a/n their mom :(( sorry for not updating often! kinda busy. and yeah i should get into the "gray and mil's relationship" drama soon.


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