chap 27

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Good thing Ethan and I just met a few days back. If we met earlier, I could've cried more tears. I'm done with that man whore. He isn't even gonna text me, apologizing. Maybe he doesn't even care about me anymore. Well that's a little obvious.

I can't believe that I, saw with my own two fuckin eyes, Ethan Dolan making out with another girl. Like I was there to see it myself!

Well, today, Milena is supposed to come to my house so I don't have to look pretty. I'm in my pajamas. She's always there when I need her.


I was in my room, lying in bed with a few thoughts. I then heard footsteps towards my door; it must be Milena.

I went up to my door and opened it. Right as I opened it, it was not the person I expected.

Yeah, Ethan. Such disgust.

"Lauren," he opened his arm for a hug. Wtf.

"Get out," I pushed him but he walked closer and closed the door.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know--"

"Don't fuckin' lie. I saw it with my own eyes."

"Let me finish. I didn't know what I was doing at that time. I was drunk."

"Ethan, you kissed a girl. Some random fucking hoe at the club."

"Ugh, I wish it was you honestly," he looked down.

"Ethan, just because you're famous, doesn't mean I'll always respect you and believe everything you say. Have some respect for someone who loves you. In this case, loved."

Oh shit yeah, go Lauren. That was pretty savage.

"Umm, loved?"

"Do you think I still love you after you've done this to me? Huh?!!!" my voice cracked and I teared up.

"Listen, I'm so sorry. I wasn't conscious or aware of what I was doing."

"Why were you even at the club?!!"

"Uh my friends asked me if I wanna hang out and drink. I normally don't but I wanted to try to get blacked out."

"That's stupid, you idiot," I avoided eye-contact.

"I'm sorry," he put his hands on me.

I pushed him and yelled, "Just let me go!!"

He slowly put his hands off me and stopped eye-contact, looking down.

He looked back up at my eyes and straight away said, "But I love you too much to let you go. Don't.. leave me."

{a/n lauren and ethan fighting.. oo. sorry for the slow updates these days; school has been killing my ass lately. }

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