chap 24

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I'm glad that Lauren told me about that. I'm not gonna waste my tears on just a boy. I have other things to cry over.

I ended the call between Laur and I, then decided to text Grayson.. the last time probably.

{ texting }
{ 9:27 pm }

i'm not going to the meetup tomorrow
farewell, bastard.

{ 00:19 am }
What? Why??

(Read 00:25 am)

Answer me Milena
Are you mad at me?
I don't get it
Please reply 😔

(Read 00:30 am)

I'm sorry. To whatever I did
Cmon answer me and we'll talk about it
Please Milena.. I love you.. to fucking death
Are u mad that I didn't text you today?
I'm sorry!
You're making me so worried
Are u okay

(Read 00:39 am)

OKAY screw it
I'm coming over to your place

{ texting ends }


I sneaked out of my house quietly without anyone knowing and ran all the way to Mil's house. I was so worried.

I climbed through her kitchen window and tip toed upstairs to her room. I slightly opened the door to get a peek and.. I saw Milena lying down with her face in the pillow, her phone in her hand, closed.

"Milena," I whispered and walked to her.

"Go away," her face still in the pillow.

"No. What's wrong?"

"Oh, you don't know what's wrong?" she lifted her face up and her eyes were red.

"Why are you crying? Did I do anything wrong?" I tried hugging her but she pushed me away.

"Grayson, straight up, you cheated on me."

I furrowed my eyebrows, not recognizing what I did. I didn't cheat on her though..

"I didn't. Where did you find that information?"

"Lauren was at the night club today, and she found you.. fucking making out with this random girl," her voice shook.

"No, no.. I wasn't at the club today. I was with my sister and mom. You might've heard that wrong."

"Stop lying already Grayson!!" she raised her voice. "Stop trying to cover up!"

"No I'm not lying! Honest to god!"

She started bawling her eyes out and covered her face with her little hands. I hugged her to comfort her.

I flinched, coming to realization, "Wait! Ethan.. Ethan was at the club today. He's not home yet too."

"Umm," Milena furrowed her eyebrows. "That means.. he was.."

"He was cheating on Lauren..."


{ a/n oHhOh plot twist }

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