chap 17

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{a/n it hasn't been a month yet and I'm now at 1k reads. literally thank you so much :)}



I think today was one of the happiest days of my life so far. But hey, the day hasn't ended yet. It was just 4pm. It barely began.

Milena and I walked back to Eth and Lauren. We found them smiling and 'flirting' and I think Ethan is very happy. I mean he's always wanted a girlfriend.

"Hey you two cutie pie couple. We're back," I said to them.

"Alright! Wanna go do something now? Instead of just walking at the park? Haha," Lauren spoke.

"There's a cafe in the park. Want?" Milena said. We all nodded then headed there.

Out of nowhere, I got a text from Teresa, my ex, once again.

{ texting }

why the fuck are you in Pittsburgh
come back to nj

Not your business :P

what. that girl Milena?

How come you're not over me yet? I thought we agreed to be nice friends again.

wdym 'how'??
you're not easy to get over Grayson
a guy like you is 🔥🔥🔥

What, and because I'm gaining fame? That's why you want me back?

don't be rude babe

Don't call me babe
And how do you know Milena?

seriously? from your snapchats of course
AND instagram
you really fucking love her

Yea I do
She won't ever hurt me, unlike you


I'm busy, bye

busy on your date, in'it?

{ texting ends }

Milena looked at my phone and asked, "Who you texting?"

"Uuuhh," I was thinking whether I should lie. "She's my psycho ex. Don't worry. If you don't trust me then you can read it."

She gently grabbed my phone and read it. She handed it back and was okay. I was so glad I didn't say anything terrible.


Few hours of our double date passed, and we were feeling tired. We drank a little, did some shit together, and actually kissed a couple times already.

Ethan seemed to enjoy himself at a high level. I'm so happy to see my bro happy.

We had to leave eachother and said our byes.

"I'll see you soon Grayson," Mil hugged me.

"I love you, bye."

"I love you too."

{a/n umm i don't really like dis chapter lol but anyway PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD ADD TO THIS STORY..?? }

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