chap 37 [END]

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"What the fuck," I said to myself with shock.

Her house is empty.

There are some empty cardboard boxes laying around. Dust in places.

"Anyone?? Hello?" I shouted. I got no answer.

Still in panic, I ran upstairs to Milena's bedroom to check for something. When I got up, her bedroom was completely empty as well.

I opened her bathroom, no toothbrushes no toothpaste, no essentials. Nothing.

I checked her closet and of course, no clothes were in there.

I breathed heavily, sweating.

She moved away...


I went out and sat on her front lawn. Got out my phone, and tried giving her a call.

*beep, beep, beep*
"The number you dialed is not available at the moment. Please leave a voice message."

"FUCK THIS!!" I ended the call with rage. My face turned red, I covered it with my big hands.

Is this all my fault? It is.. it's all my fault. For leaving her for too long. For not texting her as often. For not checking in on her of what she is doing.

Now.. she moved away. She's gone.

"You're back?," I hear a familiar voice from behind me, and it snapped me out from my thoughts.

Turning around, I see Lauren.

"L-Lauren.. where the hell is Milena?"

"Away," she said calmly. I was not in the mood for being calm in this situation!!

"She fucking moved away from this house! Where is she???" I raised my voice.

"Y'know, she waited five damn weeks for you, Grayson. You didn't call her once. This is why she didn't tell you."

"Well, just tell me where she is, I beg you."

"All the way West in Los Angeles."

Los. Fucking. Angeles. Hell no.

"You're gonna have to figure your way to win her heart back, Grayson. Good luck," Lauren lightly smiled and then she walked away.

'win her heart back'? What does that mean?

I need to text her.

[ texting ]

Milena, I'm sorry.

{delivered 1:07 pm}

Wait, who is this?

This is Grayson

I think you have the wrong number, sorry.

bet you didn't see that coming :)
vote n show me some love bebes hahahaha

yes, this is the end of my book Wrong Number.

all information next part :3333

Wrong Number [G.D.]Where stories live. Discover now