chap 34

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We have landed in London and now in a cab headed to the hospital. I'm scared for mom. I've called up Cameron when we arrived there and then went up to where their hospital room was.

"Grayson, Ethan!" Cam said as we knocked on the door and she opened. The patient bed was empty.

Gray and I hugged her tight and i asked, "Where's mom?"

"Having surgery for her broken chest. Didn't Grayson tell you?" she eyed him.

"Oh, yeah, he did. Just wanted to clear up."

We sat down on the hard ass couch and talked about some stuff. Stuff as in the situation that was going on. Several minutes passed, Gray and I wanted to go down and get some water.

Cameron stayed in the room and we walked out and about.

"Bro..," I said. "I miss Lauren."

"Bro, I miss Milena."

"Man why do they both gotta live far from us?? Can't they just be with us daily!?"

"All we could do is dream about it, Ethan."

"Do you think.. uhh.. Lauren misses me?" I looked down in curiosity.

"Pretty sure she does."

"I feel like I'm the one loving her more."

"Yo, maybe I should tell you something... about three weeks ago, she once came up to me and out of nowhere, said that she feels like she loves you more."

"Woa, well I guess that's how it works."


Distance sucks. Different time zones suck.

Ethan and I are like six hours apart, I don't know. But I just woke up (10:40am) and he's probably busy right now. He hasn't texted me!

Should I text him? Or will I disturb him?


"Should I text her?" I asked Gray.

"Really up to you buddy."

"I might disturb her from whatever she's doing. She's not texting me so i guess she's busy."


Ehh, I'll just wait until he texts me.


GUYS I AM SO SORRY for not updating oml i need to update more often. but first off, i just wanna give a quick statement.

my reads are going up so freaking fast, it's so unreal. thank you so much !!!😭❤️

btw sorry for this weird chapter, i legit had no ideas for it.

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