chap 31

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Second week of school; not to shabby. We are having a group project and i was assigned to be with Sheila, Josh, and... Matt.

Let's reverse back to when Matt was texting me in summer. Oh boy..

Anyway, who's josh? Another one of Matt's best mates. He's a nice guy, although his name sounds like a fuckboy. He gets decent grades compared to the rest of us. He is also sporty. Why don't i like him? Because he has a girlfriend. And i have a boyfriend.

About Sheila, well.. she's that shy but cute girl. She's half Korean, half American. Nothing much about her.


"OK boys and girls!" the teacher said. "Sit with your groups, and start discussing who you want to research about in the Renaissance."

All my group mates came to sit on my table while other groups wandered around to their groups. Matt started the conversation.

"I'm happy with my group," he said.

"Psshtt," i looked away, smirking and rolling my eyes a bit.

"Is there a problem here?" he lowered his eyes.

"Woa don't be aggressive."

"Didn't do shit babe."

"Ah nah man, don't play this with me."

"Grayson can?"

He moved his shoulders and Josh broke off the conversation and started a new topic.

Josh said, "Hey so who do you guys wanna do? King Henry, Pope Leo X? Katherine of Aragon? Emperor Charles V?"

"How bout that Queen Elizabeth II," Matt asked.

"Lol you so stupid dude. You mean Queen Elizabeth the first. The second still rules England today," I said, proudly; just cause i know what's what.


{a/n this was a very boring ass chapter because it's about what i'm learning in history class right now.

sorry for crap updates. i'm at 8k reads and i do not know how to express it. thank you!}

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