Chapter 5 Revealed

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Chapter 5 Revealed

It only took about 15 minutes to get to the hospital because Hunter was driving 90 mph. All that was on my mind was Lexi so going that fast was fine with me. If anything happened to her I'd never forgive myself. The tears fell down my cheek landing on my hand when we pulled into the small lot of a 2 story brick building. Hopedale Medical Center was in large black letters over the sliding glass doors. There was an ambulance parked out front by the doors where Hunter pulled in. As soon as we were stopped I was out of the car running inside. Hunter was hollering for me to wait when I reached the doors but they wouldn't open even with me prying on them.

"Riley stop" Hunter said grabbing my shoulder and turning me away from the doors.

"They won't open" I cried.

"It's after 12 a.m. so you have to use an ID card to get in" he said waving a little white card in front of my face. Who's genius idea was that I mean this is a freaking hospital, come on. Hunter walked over to the side of the door sliding the card through a black box making the doors open. I ran inside only to be stopped by a large body blocking my way. The guy was dressed in a police uniform, dark hair, glasses and an unfriendly look on his face.

"It's ok Jimmy, she's with me" Hunter said walking up to the man who bowed his head.

"Sir, I'm sorry I didn't see you" the guy said. Sir? Why was he calling Hunter Sir?

"Where is the girl they just brought in" Hunter asked.

"In surgery, your mom is working on her now" my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. Every bad thing imaginable flashed through mind. I felt my legs give out, my body falling to the floor with the tears falling like a waterfall. This couldn't be happening, we shouldn't have went to that stupid party. We should have left when my mom called. Oh God, Lexi's parents, I had to call them, they were going to be devastated. Hunter was knealt down beside me rubbing my back looking worried. Wiping the tears with the back of my hand I reached for my phone in my back pocket to find it was gone. Looking around there was no sign of it on the floor, getting to my feet I ran back out to the car. The guys from the backseat were leaning against the trunk talking. Searching the seat and floor to find nothing. A bad feeling filled me to the core. What if I lost it in the woods and those guys found it? All my information was in that phone, all my contacts right there for them to do with as they please.

"Lose something" one of the guys asked when I stood up.

"My cell phone, I think I might have lost it in the woods" if this night gets any worse I'll jump off a cliff.

"Here you can use mine" the guy said holding his phone out to me. Looking up into his light grey eyes reminded me of why I was looking for the phone to begin with, Lexi. I felt the tears forming again when the guy looked ready to panic.

"No, no crying. I can't handle seeing a girl cry. Do you really want me to start crying too" he said making me smile. I could picture a grown man crying because someone else was.

"Yeah, Seth is a big baby, he even cried watching Titanic" the other guy said. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I did not I had dirt in my eye" Seth argued.

"Bullshit man you were crying like a little girl" the other one said.

I took a second to look them over since I hadn't really paid attention before. Seth had dark blonde hair that was shaved on the side and spikey on top, pretty grey eyes with nice lips. He stood about 6'3" with a lean, muscular  body. The other guy had dark brown hair that fell in waves down to his green eyes, full lips and a lean body. He was wearing a pair of white shorts, a black tank top and skater shoes.

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