Chapter 8 Uncovered Secrets

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Chapter 8 Uncovered Secrets

The shower was wonderful making me feel so much better, and smell better. I usually get a shower everyday so going just one day without I was feeling nasty. It was hard to find a shampoo, conditioner and body wash because there was so many to choose from. The awesome part was it was all from bath and body works so it smelled great and the shampoos and conditioner were name brand stuff that is way out of my price-range. When I peeled the bandage off my arm my mouth fell open at the sight. It was almost completely healed only a bruise left and the stitches were almost completely dissolved. Looking at my back in the mirror i damn near choked on air. There wasnt a scratch, bruise, or mark anywhere. I've always healed fast but never like this. Of course I've never had this much damage. It was amazing yet scary at the same time. When I was done and drying off my phone started vibrating, that Halloween theme playing which I decided to leave it because he is the only one texting me now. Just hearing it though sent a chill down my spine thinking about what he would say. Opening the message it read "I'll see you soon" making me really nervous till I saw who it was from. I breathed a sigh of relief when Mom's number was displayed on the bottom. Then I started to panic, I wasn't at Dad's and when she realized where I was she'd want to know why. How am I supposed to explain this? Setting the phone down I tried to figure out what to tell her. Looking around the room made me think about why I was even here. Why my road trip home turned into a nightmare with a killer out for my blood and a guy who is having a field day playing with me. Nothing made sense, nothing helped ease my mind. Going out to my bags to find something to wear that wouldn't show the bruise on my arm I pulled out a pair of light colored blue jeans, my dark red and grey flannel with my blood red tank top. It wasn't hot enough yet that I couldn't wear a lightweight long sleeve. After getting dressed and slipping on my boots it was time for a little make-up. My hair could air dry so it'd have a slight curl to it. When I was finished I walked out of the room and down the hall to Lexi's room. Maybe she would know what I could tell my mom. She was nowhere in sight so I headed downstairs. There was shouting coming from one of the room at the bottom of the steps. I was planning on walking the other way till I heard my name. Creeping down the hall to see a room that looked like an office with two people standing in the middle of the floor. JP was one, the other was the girl who sent him a naked picture of herself. It was an image I'd like to erase from my memory.

"Look Beth she saved Maggie, killed Devon and Craven. Now both Russell and Gage are after her, I can't just tell her to leave. Especially if he's threating to kill everyone she cares about if she does. We owe her, I owe her" JP said rubbing his forehead like he had a headache.

"So you think having her here around us is a good idea. What if he decided to kill us? You need to make her leave" the girl said.

"I think Beth has a point JP, what if Gage decides to start picking us off one by one. We don't know anything about Riley and we know she's hiding something. Lexi knows something but won't tell me and I've tried everything to get her to tell me. These girls could very well be working for Gage" I was shocked to hear Hunter's voice.

"Do you really think Lexi is just going to let her leave? Or maybe you want Lexi gone so you can go back to your old ways sleeping with any girl who walks by" JP yelled the anger in his voice making me flinch.

"No I don't want Lexi gone and I don't think she'll argue with me when I explain what needs to happen. I think when she realizes that Riley is a danger to our pack she won't fight me" Hunter said calmly like they were discussing the weather.

"Good luck with that" JP said sarcastically.

"I want her gone by tonight Jordan or I'll tell the pack that you're putting them all in danger over some whore you don't know" Beth said coming toward the door. I took off down the hall as quiet as possible then ran upstairs. Running back to the room I quickly gathered up my stuff looking for a piece of paper and pen. Finally I found a small notepad and pencil by a phone on one of the bookshelves. I quickly wrote a note to Lexi then went to her room placing it on the bed. Now to get out of the house without being seen. I wasn't going to stay somewhere I wasn't welcome even though leaving Lexi bothered me. She seemed happy with Hunter and if they really were soul-mates I wasn't going to make her choose between us. I wasn't sure what they were talking about when they said I was hiding something but if it's going to cause trouble then I'll leave. Getting out of the house was actually really easy, no one was around downstairs. When I heard Lexi laugh I had to fight back the tears. Quietly opening the door to see no one outside I took off toward the Jeep. Throwing the bags in the back seat I jumped in the front. The front door of the house opened when Seth and Jason walked out. Crouching down so they wouldn't see me I waited hearing car doors shut and a car start. I gave them about 10 minutes before peeking over the steering wheel to see the coast was clear. Starting the Jeep I took off down the road praying I didn't run into anyone. When I made it to the main street I turned right heading out of town the same way we came in. About a half hour down the road my phone started ringing. It was plugged in charging lying on the passenger seat. Lexi's name popped up with her picture. I just ignored it turning the volume down. For the next 2 hours it continued to ring but I never picked it up. It was 7:30 when a town came into view. There was a gas station with a McDonald's inside. It worked out perfectly because I needed gas and was hungry. After pumping the gas and parking I went in to get something to eat. I would have went through the drive-thru but they didn't have one. The girl at the register was pretty with brown hair tucked under her hat, light brown eyes and didn't look more than 16 years old.

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