Chapter 21 Back to Dove's Cove

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Chapter 21 Back to Dove’s Cove

We searched through every box in the office and found 3 rape victims, and 2 kidnappings. I grabbed the files and stuck them in a box and put a lid on them before turning to the others getting ready for my eardrums to bleed.

“We need to go talk to Roman” I said quickly staring at JP waiting for him to explode.

“You’re not going alone” he said calmly which shocked the hell out of me.

“I wasn’t planning on it” I said seeing him nod. Lexi was just grinning and Hunter was gaping at JP like he didn’t know who he was which made me smile.

“I already texted him and he knows we’re coming I just got to let him know we are leaving.” I said feeling relieved that JP listened to me and wasn’t being the green eyed monster anymore. Who’s to say it doesn’t change when we get there but for now it’s the best I can hope for.

“Then lets go” JP said heading for the door when Hunter stopped him putting his hand on JP’s forehead.

“Dude are you sick” Hunter asked making me and Lexi crack up laughing. JP just slapped his hand away and pointed at me.

“You will pay for this” he said before winking and walking out the door.

“Oooh, someone’s in trouble” Lexi sang then ran out of the room laughing. I just shook my head grabbing the box and heading downstairs. Mason was waiting at the bottom of the stairs leaning against the railing.

“You didn’t think you were going without me did you” he asked.

“If you’re coming you do what I say” I said in a firm voice that didn’t leave room for arguing.

“Hey I want to help, I met your mom remember, she’s a great lady that doesn’t deserve any of this. So I’m at your service” Mason said bowing. It made me smile but I could see JP was holding back his anger.

“Let’s go then it’s a long ride” I said walking out the door. Seth and Jason were just outside the door arguing like normal when they both turned to us. Jason took the box from me just as Seth grabbed me in a body crushing hug.

“Thank god you’re all better” he said.

“Can’t breathe” I gasp when he finally let me go and then hugged me again this time letting me hug him back.

“I’m so sorry Riley” Seth kept saying and I pulled away punching him in the chest.

“OW” he cried.

“Stop it” I said “it wasn’t your fault it was mine, and partially his” I pointed at JP “but I’m fine, all healed up” I said lifting my shirt to show my smooth stomach that didn’t even have a scar.

“Wait how is it partially my fault” JP yelled.

“Because if you hadn’t attacked Gage I wouldn’t have got hurt. He wasn’t hurting me JP and I was getting information from him” I said seeing JP look at the ground. He mumbled a sorry and so did Seth when we all started for the driveway. Seth and Jason were leading us which made me wonder if they were coming as well. When they put the box in the back of the escalade I knew they were. Lexi, Hunter and Mason all climbed in the very back, JP and I were in the next seat and Jason got in the driver seat with Seth in the passenger. I hope Roman doesn’t get mad that I brought all these people. I sent him a quick text telling him we were leaving and would be there soon.

JP put his arm around my shoulder pulling me against him and I cuddled into his body resting my head on his shoulder. I smelled the sweet, masculine cologne he was wearing but under that I could smell fresh rain, like spring time after a light rain.

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