Chapter 17 The Silver Wolf

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Chapter 17 The Silver Wolf

It felt like I was awake but I knew I wasn’t because I was sitting in a forest that I’d never seen before. The trees were so big and filled with leaves that it blocked the sky and sun altogether. Everywhere I looked was trees and somewhere in the distance I could hear water slapping against the rocks. To the left of me a twig snapped making me spin around to see what was there. Only thing I could see was trees when a streak shot in front of me, past me and into the trees to my right. What the hell was that?

“Hello” I said looking around. I wasn’t scared even though I should have been but all I could think about was what was in this forest with me.

“Do not be alarmed when I step out” a soft, gentle voice said echoing around me so I didn’t know where it actually came from.

“Ok” I said stilling searching for whoever was there.

Then a silver wolf about twice the size of a normal wolf stepped out from behind a group of trees. She was beautiful with thick silver fur, stormy grey eyes, and a large black diamond on her chest. I had no idea what the diamond meant but I knew that it wasn’t as important as why she was here.

“Who are you?” I asked not moving a muscle.

“My name is Accalia, I am the first she-wolf of the Firestone Pack and I am a part of you” she said and I felt my mouth fall open. A part of me? I’m not a wolf, how is she a part of me?

“Yes I’m a part of you because your father is a shifter. You are human with a wolf spirit inside you. I am the reason that you heal quickly, run faster than most humans, why you can fight a wolf and beat them. You have all my strength, speed and other things I’ll explain later but for now I want you to know that I’m here to help you. I will guide you the best I can” she said and I felt my legs give out as I fell to my knees. This isn’t possible, this couldn’t be possible, could it?

“I don’t understand, if you’ve been with me all this time how come I’m just know seeing you or hearing you or whatever the hell is going on” I asked confusion in every word.

“I am getting stronger the longer you are around other wolfs, around a certain Alpha that is slightly annoying but cares a lot for you. I’ve been trying to communicate with you for a long time but I was never strong enough. Now that I can talk to you even if it is only in your dreams I can help you more now” she said and I just stared at her.

“Are you telling me that because you are around a bunch of other wolves you’re getting stronger? Does that mean that I’ll end up shifting?” I was starting to panic now. I don’t think I want to be a wolf, not really. I mean I wondered what it’d be like but I don’t think I actually want to be one.

“Calm down Riley, think of me as a guide for you to get through this. You don’t have to worry about shifting, but you have all the benefits of a shifter. Only if you wanted to shift would you be able to” she said stepping closer till she was only a few inches away from me. As I stared into her eyes I realized they were my eyes, the same eyes that looked at me in the mirror every day. It was different though looking into those eyes because they were surrounded by silver fur. There was no denying she was beautiful.

“So what does this mean? Am I going to dream of you all the time? Hear you all the time?” I asked trying to understand how this was going to work.

“You will hear me when you need to, dream of me if you need me” she answered and before I could ask anything else a sharp pain shot through my stomach. My eyes shot open to see Beth standing beside my bed, her fingers dug into the bandage wrapped around my stomach. Blood was covering the bandage and running down my side.

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