Chapter 9 Discovered

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Chapter 9 Discovered

It was already 9:30 so it would be around 11:30 when I got back. The closer I got to the house my fear and sadness turned to anger. All this is happening because Gage is freaking crazy and because JP and his "pack" or someone involved with them killed Gage's parents. My mom's life was on the line because everyone has been lying to me since I got here. In Lexi's case my whole life. It made me wonder who to even trust anymore. Everything was a jumbled mess in my mind, never fully processing what it just saw, what it just found out. How do you process something like that? The fact that werewolves were real, were only inches away from me and one of them wants to kill me. Anger built inside me as I finally made it back to town. By the time I pulled up the driveway my blood was boiling, beating the truth out of JP seemed like a good idea. Since everything seems to come back around to him, he being Gage's main target.

There was even more cars here now than when I left. But the problem wasn't the cars it was going to be finding JP. Climbing out of the Jeep I started for the house with one thing on my mind. Find JP! Find him and maybe kill him! I wasn't even worried if he turned into a werewolf and killed me, I'd see his true colors then. Plus I'd feel better releasing my anger on the person who's been lying to me and getting my mom involved in this mess now. I wasn't really a violent person but I've always handled anger better than being scared or sad. I don't really ever get scared and when I'm sad, well normally Lexi is there to cheer me up. Inside the house all the lights seemed to be on, voices drifted down the hall to my left. Slowly moving down the hall listening to every sound trying to decipher JP's voice from the others. I came to a large, dark oak door that was closed but the voices were coming from inside. When the sound of his smooth voice hit my ears I threw the door open. He was standing at the end of a long conference table with every chair full. My eyes were locked on him when he looked up at me. The surprise in his eyes was almost funny.

Moving toward him he just stood there staring with his mouth open. When I stopped in front of him he started to say something. I didn't give him the chance, my fist connected with his jaw snapping his head to the side. He turned back to me with a spot of blood on his lip when I punched him again and again. My hand was throbbing, my arm sore but he wasn't attempting to stop me or move when a loud voice echoed through the room.

"ENOUGH" it was the only voice that made me cringe when he was angry. The only voice that held so much authority. Only this time I was to angry to be scared. JP looked at me with blood dripping down his chin.

"It's alright Councileman Andrews I deserved it" JP said never taking his eyes off mine.

"Yes Councilman Andrews he did or should I call you Dad" this time I turned to see my Dad standing at the end of the table. He looked like someone just slapped him. His eyes went wide, shoulders sagged and a frown appeared on his face.

"Riley" he said moving around the table. The room erupted in whispers, even JP and Hunter were whispering. Normal stuff you'd hear when everyone finds out a juicy secret.


"I didn't know he had a daughter"

"How come we've never met her"

"Why is she attacking the Alpha"

It continued till I turned to everyone screaming "SHUT UP." The room was full of mostly older men but there were some younger guys and a few women. The room became deadly silent, all eyes on me when I felt my Dad step up beside me.

"Riley" he said turning me to look at him. I stepped back away from him. He was one of them, the person I trusted most in this world other than my mom, has lied to me my whole life also. His light brown hair was trimmed neatly around his head, his blue-grey eyes that were just a shade lighter than mine. Even now he towered over me at 6'5" with his well built frame and large muscles. I always knew if anyone could protect me it was my dad.

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