Chapter 20 The Search Begins

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Chapter 20 The Search Begins

I couldn’t believe that JP didn’t know this whole time, I felt bad for slapping him and yelling at him but I just figured that he knew. When he whispered that he loved everything about me I couldn’t help but feel completely happy. Like a piece of me that had been missing was back making me feel whole. We were hot and heavy making out when someone walked in the room.

“Alright you two” Dr.Blackwell said grabbing the back of JP’s shirt and pulling him away from me. “I need to check your stomach so lay down.” I did what she asked and she slowly pulled the tape off my skin and lifted the bandage away. It felt like my eyes would pop out of my head, it was completely healed no sign of the damage at all. It was still pretty bad a few hours ago when I looked at it.

“Well that’s weird” she said “Does that hurt” she asked pushing on my stomach. I shook my head telling her no. JP stood at the foot of the bed grinning like a fool.

“What are you smiling at” I asked and Dr.Blackwell looked at him as well.

“It’s the bond, they say if one mate is hurt their mate will help them heal. And this is proof that you sweetheart are truly my mate and you are stuck with me” he smiled.

“That’s what you think” I teased.

“Wait you know, you found out” Dr.Blackwell asked excitedly. JP nodded when she pulled him into a hug then she came over hugging me. “Welcome to the family” she said then ran out of the room. Wait a second I thought she was Hunter’s mom, I was so confused.

“She is like a second mom” JP said coming around the bed sitting beside me.

“So can I leave then since I’m healed” I wondered out loud.

“I don’t see why not but let me go ask since you do still have an IV in” he pointed to my arm where the IV was. He disappeared and a few minutes later he came in with a young girl following behind him almost drooling. She had short brown hair and green eyes behind small glasses. She went to work unhooking the IV before pulling it out and putting a Band-Aid on it.

“There you go” she said in a soft voice.

“Thank you” I said jumping off the bed looking around for my clothes.

“Lexi is going to get you some clothes because Rachelle had to cut your dress off” JP said like he knew what I was looking for. The nurse was still standing there staring at JP with a dreamy look in her eye. It made me smile when JP grabbed me around the waist pulling me to him. His lips were on mine as I smiled at him. I knew he was uncomfortable with her staring because he kept fidgeting and moving closer to me. She seemed to take the hint finally and left leaving me to laugh at JP.

“That is not funny Riley she wouldn’t stop staring at me” he was dead serious but I just laughed.

“Delivery for a Riley Andrews” Lexi yelled from the doorway. I spun around to see her holding up a duffel bag with my clothes. “Everything you need for a shower and clothes that will make you look sexy” she said handing me the bag. That made me nervous, Lexi’s idea of sexy is a dress and I don’t do dresses. Just look what happened last time I had a dress on. And the time before that I got into a fight with some guy over which freaking horror movie was the best. I don’t even remember what he picked but it pissed me off and some other guy jumped in and I put him in his place real quick. He apologized later for how he acted but still trouble seems to follow me if I’m in a dress. So when I opened the bag and saw jeans I wanted to do a little dance but instead I turned around hugging Lexi.

“I figured you’d been a hospital gown long enough you were having withdrawals from your jeans” she joked. I just nodded and ran into the small bathroom jumping in the shower so I could get out of here. I had a lot of things to do and it was going to take a while. According to the time it was already 10 pm and I wasn’t sure where to even start. When I was done in the shower I got out drying off amazed that I was healed and JP was to thank. It was still kind of weird that he was my mate, a werewolf or shifter rather was the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with. It made me feel all fuzzy inside just thinking about it though. Slipping my jeans on made me feel almost normal again and the white tank top Lexi picked out was perfect for under the black flannel she brought. I slipped my boots on, combed my hair and brushed my teeth before going out to see that everyone was gone. Making my way into the hall way I looked around for Lexi not seeing any of them. It worried me a little when I saw Beth step into the hallway about halfway down from where my room was. She looked at me with black eyes before she shifted and came charging at me. Her wolf was small with grey and red fur and a broken heart in black fur on her chest. When she threw herself into the air flying at me with her teeth bared I quickly stepped out of the way to see her land and spin around growling at me.

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