Chapter 10 JP's POV

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Chapter 10 JP's POV

I was pissed, beyond pissed that Beth threw her little fit about the room and made Riley leave. Yes, this is the room we always stay in but I knew Riley needed a room on the end. Hunter's room is across the hall so I gave her mine. Plus the idea of Riley being in the same bed I slept in gave me a thrill I couldn't quite explain. When Beth started clapping and squealing I was ready to shift and attack her. How could she be so heartless? My anger was taking over I felt my blood boiling.

"Beth go back to the room Hunter gave us and if you act like this again I'll send you back home before you can ask why" I growled seeing her shocked looking face. Without another word I stalked past her needing to go for a run. Once I was outside I saw a few of my pack members, Zander was there with Seth and Jason, Christian was with Alex and Sam. When they saw me they came over grinning.

"Time for a run" Christian said sensing I was pissed. Somehow this guy seems to know me better than I know myself. Christian and I grew up together and were just as close as Hunter and I.

"Yes before I kill Beth" I growled making all of them laugh.

"Dude, none of us would complain if you did" Sam said seriously. I raised an eyebrow at him wondering what he meant by that. Sam was also one of my fighters with extermely fast reflexes, and quick thinking when in a tight spot. He was 6'2" with a large muscled body, dark brown hair with light green eyes, and a guy you can trust.

"JP you are so blind sometimes, Beth is a bitch and only uses you and treats the rest of us like shit. Like we are the scum of the earth and she isn't even Luna yet and thinks she can order us around. I think I speak for everyone when I say if you don't kill her we might" Christian said. This just pissed me off more because I didn't know she was doing all that. Maybe I was blind when it came to her. Of course she never did any of that when I was around either.

"Let's run" I said starting for the woods beside the house.

"Wait" I heard someone yell. When I turned around I saw Hunter and Lexi running toward me. Lexi's eyes were still red and swollen from crying. It made me feel even worse for probably ruining a friendship that was great until this nightmare started.

"Lexi wants to go with you she hasn't been able to run for a long time" Hunter said wrapping his large arm around Lexi as she cuddled into him. Guess she forgave him already for what he did, then again she didn't have Riley to go to at the moment and didn't know anyone else yet.

"Alright let's go" I said heading into the woods. Lexi was the only one that went behind the tree to shift probably for Hunter but also because she was the only female here with a bunch of unmated males, other than Jason and Sam. The others either aren't worried about finding their mate or had them and lost them. Zander found his mate but she was already sick with cancer and dying. Her name was Ashley and she was beautiful with long blonde hair that I later learned was a wig, big brown eyes that held so much love whenever she saw Zander. From the moment he found her till they buried her he never left her side except to do something she asked. He was withdrawn for so long that we thought we might lose him as well, that was until Jason's mate Destiny talked to him. Nobody knows what they talked about but whatever she said to him helped. Soon after he started training like no other person I've seen and now he is my best fighter.

After we stripped our clothes off and shifted we all gathered around in a circle. My wolf was larger than the rest with black fur and the shape of diamond in silver on my chest. Zander was red and grey with a teardrop in pure white fur on his face. It was a sign that he lost his mate. Most of us have some kind of symbol on our wolfs that connect us to our mate but since I'm not 100% sure who my mate is I don't understand what mine means. If Riley really is my mate then I understand the silver because of her eyes but I don't know why a diamond. Hunter stepped up beside me, his wolf was a little bigger than me his fur mostly white with black spots here and there making him look like a Dalmatian. He never liked it when I called him that either. He didn't have a symbol just the spots. Lexi stepped out from behind the tree and I couldn't believe my eyes. She was a pure white wolf, something we haven't seen in a long time and her symbol was a red heart surrounded by tiny black spots in the middle of her chest. It made sense now, the spots on Hunter was his symbol. She was beautiful, small compared to us but most females are. She walked up to Hunter timidly, looking at the ground. Hunter wasn't having any of it as he took his nose to lift her head up then started licking her face. Guess he liked what he saw. Then before any of us could react she took off into the woods making Hunter growl as we all took off running after her. She was fast, faster than any other female I've ever met. Being in wolf form meant all my senses were enhanced, the smell of the leaves and grass, the way it felt under my paws. I could hear the crickets in the far distance, the beating of everyone's heart, my eyes were much more enhanced than the others. I could see everything from the tiny dew drops on leaves 50 feet away to the birds flying high in the sky. It was all such an amazing feeling that if I didn't have to be in human form I probably wouldn't. We were all running through the woods enjoying the fresh summer air, letting our wolves take control as we jumped over logs, over each other and ducked under the trees that had fallen but weren't on the ground. Hunter was still chasing Lexi both of them having a great time when a voice popped into my head.

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